PITTSBURGH, PA – May 22, 2024 – Today, Senator Jay Costa announces three recipients of Keystone Communities Program grants in the 43rd district through the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) totaling $823,004. In total, DCED awarded nearly $7 million across 49 projects in Pennsylvania.  

“I am so proud that Pennsylvania continues to invest in the organizations that empower our communities to grow and thrive,” said Senator Costa. “Safe homes and streets are foundational to thriving Main Streets, and I look forward to fighting for further investments in these programs as we begin to negotiate the 2024-25 fiscal year budget.”  

The recipients of these grant dollars in the 43rd district are as follows. 

  • Gwen’s Girls was awarded $298,004 to renovate the Rochez Building located in Wilkinsburg Borough
  • Hazelwood Initiative, Inc. was awarded $25,000 for their Gladstone School Annex Community Planning Project               
  • Amani Christian Community Development Corporation was awarded $500,000 for their African Queens Apartments

Per the Department of Community and Economic Development’s website, “The Keystone Communities Program (KCP) program is designed to encourage the creation of partnerships between the public and private sectors that jointly support local initiatives such as the growth and stability of neighborhoods and communities; social and economic diversity; and a strong and secure quality of life. The program allows communities to tailor the assistance to meet the needs of its specific revitalization effort.” 

Learn more about the Pennsylvania Senate Democrats’ commitment to good jobs and safe communities for every Pennsylvanian here.
