Environmental Resources & Energy 2013-2014

The Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee met on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, and took action as follows:

As Committed:

SB 1443 (White) The bill amends the Indigenous Mineral Resources Development Act, further providing for definitions of “state-owned land” and “state system land.”

As Amended:

SB 1310 (Hutchinson) The bill establishes the Penn Grade Crude Development Advisory Council, which will study existing regulations and assist the Department of Environmental Protection in making changes that better address the differences between conventional and unconventional oil and gas production.

SB 1378 (Scarnati) The bill directs the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) to separate the drilling, alteration, operation and plugging regulations for unconventional gas wells from those regulations applicable to conventional oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania.

The Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee met on Tuesday, June 3, 2014, and took action as follows:

As Committed

SB 1355 (Yaw) The bill amends the Radiation Protection Act to increase the annual fee of $550,000 for all current nuclear power reactor sites to $650,000

As Amended

SB 1256 (Ward) The bill Creates the Heritage Areas Program Act, which would create a formal process for the distribution of funding under the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ (DCNR) Heritage Parks line item and creates the Heritage Partnerships Advisory Committee.

SB 1262 (Fontana) The bill Amends the act of April 8, 1949 (P.L.418,No.58) to allow municipalities and municipal authorities to use public funds for the improvement, extension, repair or rehabilitation of private lateral sewer lines connected to public sewer systems.

The Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee met on Tuesday, March 11, 2014, and took action as follows:

As Amended

SB 1155 (Scarnati) – Amends the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act, establishing the Aggregate Advisory Board. 

SB 1236 (Yaw) – Amends the Oil and Gas Lease Act, further providing for definitions, for payment information to interest owners and for conflicts; and providing for joint ventures and for inspection of records. 

SB 1237 (Yaw) – An Act providing for protection for a royalty interest owner of natural gas rights who reports a violation or suspected violation of a contractual agreement and for remedies and penalties. 

SB 1238 (Yaw) – An Act relating to the satisfaction of oil and gas leases; and providing for certain forms and damages.

As Committed

SB 1254 (Yudichak) – Amends the Plumbing System Lead Ban and Notification Act, further providing for definitions.

The Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Committee met on Tuesday, November 19 , 2013, and took action as follows:

Reported Out as Amended:

SB 1037 (Vogel) The bill amends the Air Pollution Act to eliminate statutory requirements for low Reid Vapor Pressure gasoline (Summer Gas) in certain counties.

SB 1077 (Argall) The bill amends the Scrap Materiala Theft Prevention Act by adding railroad materials to the list of restricted materials, which would restrict scrap processors and recycling facilities from purchasing railroad property from individuals without properly documenting the transaction.

The Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee met on Tuesday, June 18 , 2013, and took action as follows:

Reported Out as Committed:

SB 948 (Baker) The bill provides that onlot sewage systems in high quality and exceptional value watersheds that are designed and approved by DEP in accordance with the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act are deemed to satisfy the antidegradation requirements of the Clean Streams Law and federal Clean Water Act.

HB 1325 (Maloney) The bill provides that onlot sewage systems in high quality and exceptional value watersheds that are designed and approved by DEP in accordance with the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act are deemed to satisfy the antidegradation requirements of the Clean Streams Law and federal Clean Water Act.

HB 34 (Harper) The bill requires the design, construction and renovation of certain state-owned or state leased buildings to comply with specified energy and high performance building standards.

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee met on Wednesday, May1, 2013, and took action as follows:

Reported Out as Committed:

SB 823 (Brewster) The bill amends the Public School Code of 1949 to create the Student Performance Measurement Advisory Commission.

Reported Out as Amended:

SB 738 (Yaw) The bill creates the Natural Gas Consumer Access Act to require distribution system extension and expansion plans to increase natural gas usage in Pennsylvania.

SB 739 (Yaw) The bill amends the Alternative Energy Investment Act to provide $15,000,000 for grants to schools, hospitals and small businesses to obtain access to natural gas service.

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee met on Tuesday, February 12 , 2013, and took action as follows:

Reported Out as Committed:

SR 29 (Yaw) The resolution directs the Center for Rural Pennsylvania to study the potential for increased residential, commercial and industrial natural gas distribution infrastructure by Pennsylvania’s public utilities to unserved and underserved areas of this Commonwealth.

Reported Out as Amended:

SB 411 (Kasunic) The bill amends Title 27 (Environmental Resources), Chapter 81, to provide for and encourage the use of mine water for fracking natural gas wells.

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee met on Wednesday, January 23, 2013, and took action as follows:

Reported Out as Committed:

SB 164 (Yudichak) The bill amends the Administrative Code of 1929, requiring the DEP to appoint a counsel to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB), who serves as an independent counsel.

SB 196 (D. White) The bill amends the PA Infrastructure Investment Authority Act (PennVEST) to include “urban runoff” and providing for an annual report.

SB 259 (Yaw) The bill requires gas companies to list all deductions on check pay stubs.