Appropriations 2011-2012

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-17-12 and reported out the following:

SB 390: This bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) as it pertains to various farm implements (agricultural vehicles). The bill was reported 15-0.

SB 850: Amends Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in minors, providing for the offense of cyber bullying; in criminal history record information, further providing for expungement and for juvenile records; and, in relation to summary offenses, further providing for short title and purpose of chapter, for the scope of the Juvenile Act, for inspection of court files and records, for conduct of hearings and for right to counsel. The bill was reported 13-2.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-16-12 and reported out the following:

SB 79: Amends the Judicial Code, Title 42 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, to enact the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (UIDDA). The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-15-2012 and reported the following bills:

As Committed

Senate Bill 623 (Tomlinson): Amends Title 51 (Military Affairs Code) to establish a program for assisting veteran-owned businesses in their efforts to obtain state contracts. The bill was reported out unanimously.

Senate Bill 1147 (Argall): Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) to further provide for weight limits and annual permits for the transportation of eggs and cryogenic liquids on state roadways, Commercial Driver’s Licenses, and violations to the uniformity clause. The bill was reported out unanimously.

As Amended

Senate Bill 341 (Greenleaf): Creates a new subchapter in Title 3 (Agriculture) to authorize the Department of Agriculture to establish an Automotive Fuel Testing and Disclosure Program. Sen. Yaw offered Amendment A13716, which removes the labeling tolerance according to the ASTM. Both the amendment and the bill as amended were approved unanimously.

Senate Bill 1115 (Browne): Amends the Public School Code (Act 14 of 1949) to establish a special education funding formula and related system of accountability. Senator Piccola offered Amendment A13756, which makes fiscal and administrative reforms and ethical and academic accountability. The amendment was approved 15-1. The bill as amended was approved 14-2.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-3-12 and reported out the following:

SB 1298: This bill amends the PA Farmland and Forest Land Assessment ACT (Clean and Green) to provide certain composting and nutrient management activities on land enrolled in clean and green.  The bill was reported 15-0.

HB 1310: The legislation would permit the LCB to issue a liquor license to a privately owned ski resort without concern for the quota of the county that the ski-resort is within.  The bill was reported 15-0.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-1-12 and reported out the following:

SB 444:  This bill amends the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act by increasing the prize limits for games, provides for additional games of chance and to provide slight changes and clarifications.  Sen. Pileggi offered an amendment that would include the professional soccer league (MLS).  The amendment was adopted 16-0. Sen. Williams offered an amendment that would change law enforcement jurisdiction and Sen. Kasunic offered amendments that would make numerous changes to the gaming provisions.  The Democratic amendments were defeated 6-10 along party lines.  The bill was reported 16-0.

SB 1546:  This bill provides for a temporary moratorium of court-ordered countywide reassessments.  Sen. Pileggi offered an amendment removes the House language and places the original Senate language back in.  The amendment was adopted 9-7 and the bill was reported 16-0.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 9-25-12 and reported out the following:

SR 342: This resolution would memorialize Congress to support the Nation of Israel and its right to live in peace and defend itself.  The resolution was reported 14-0.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-30-12 and reported out the following:

SB 637: The bill creates the Public Works Employment Verification Act to require public works contractors and subcontractors to verify employment eligibility of employees. The bill was reported 15-1.

SB 1546: Senate Bill 1546 amends the Act of June 27, 1996 (the Community Economic Development Enhancement Act) to codify the State Tax Equalization Board into the Act, further provide for powers and duties, and provide for a temporary moratorium of court-ordered countywide reassessments. Sen. Pileggi offered A12878 that removes House language eliminates assessment moratorium language. The amendment was adopted 10-6 along party lines and the bill was reported 16-0.

SB 1263: This bill is the Fiscal Code language for the budget. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1122: Non-preferred appropriation for Penn St. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1123: Non-preferred appropriation for University of Pittsburgh. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1124: Non-preferred for Temple. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1125: Non-preferred appropriation for Lincoln University. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1126: Non-preferred appropriation for University of Pennsylvania. The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-28-12 and reported out the following:

SB 1466: This is the $27.7 million Republican negotiated budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Sen. Hughes offered A12828 that would restore full funding of the General Assistance program. Sen. Costa offered A12830 that would increase human services by $84 million. The amendments were defeated along party lines 6-9. The bill was reported out 11-4.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-20-12 and reported out the following:

SB 100: Amends the Judicial Code, Title 42 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, and the Prisons and Parole Code, Title 61, to make changes relating to the powers and duties of the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing; provide for sanctions for probation violations; modify the eligibility requirements for alternative sentencing and pre-release programs; establish a comprehensive reentry program; and make criminal justice appropriations. The bill was reported 16-0.

SB 157: The legislation creates a Task Force on Homeless Children’s Education that is charged with examining the educational needs and status of homeless children in this Commonwealth in order to develop and recommend a Statewide proposal to provide a strong educational foundation for homeless children. The bill was reported 16-0.

SB 449: This legislation amends the Public School Code to provide for the recognition of child abuse and mandatory training to report instances of abuse. The bill was reported 16-0.

SB 1478: Senate Bill 1478 provides for appropriations from the Workmen’s Compensation Administration Fund to the Department of Labor and Industry and to the Department of Community and Economic Development. The bill was reported 16-0.

HB 823: This bill amends the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (Act 247 of 1968) by requiring municipalities to give monthly notice of finally-approved residential developments or planned residential developments to school superintendants for the purposes of anticipating the impact on that school district. Sen. McIlhinney offered A11792 that further clarifies notice requirement language. The amendment and bill were reported 16-0.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-12-12 and reported out the following:

SB 375: This legislation amends Title 53 to provide that municipal authorities may not expend funds for purposes not related to their mission. Sen. Pileggi offered A11670 that provides an exemption for sewer and water authorities under certain circumstances. The amendment and bill were reported unanimously.

SB 1433: This legislation establishes the Homeowner Assistance Settlement Act, which would provide for the implementation of the Homeowners Assistance Settlement Fund. The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-4-12 and reported out the following:

SB 1310: The legislation amends the Unemployment Compensation Law by permitting the Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority to issue bonds if the issuance to repay federal advances, including interest, would result in a savings to the employers of the Commonwealth. In addition, an Unemployment Compensation Amnesty Program will be authorized for a three month period in 2012 that will partially waive unpaid interest debt in return for outstanding obligations being paid in full. Sen. Pileggi offered A11069 which is the compressive amendment. The amendment was reported 11-5. Sen. Costa offered A11094 that makes contributions to the employee fund and adds job training for long term unemployed. The amendment failed 6-10. Sen. Costa offered A 11088 that would keep 48,000 unemployed on the rolls. The amendment failed 6-10. Sen. Costa offered A 11075 that would allow the Auditor general and Treasurer to audit the bind requirements. The amendment failed 6-10. Sen. Costa offered A11-72 that would mandate the Dept. to audit the bonds and be reviewed by the Auditor General, Treasurer and General Assembly as well be made available to the public. The amendment failed 6-10. The bill was reported from committee 11-5.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 5-21-12 and reported out the following:

SB 817:  This legislation amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for the use of restraints on juveniles during court proceedings.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 4-30-12 and reported out the following:

SR 277:  This resolution provides for a temporary rule of the Senate, which would rule out of order certain amendments to General Appropriation Bills for the fiscal year 2012-2013.  Sen. Costa offered A10020 by allowing amendments on third consideration.  The amendment and resolution were reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 4-2-12 and reported out the following:

SB 110 –  The bill would require that certain information be provided about any passenger flight undertaken using the Commonwealth’s aircraft and the information would be maintained on PennDOT’s website.  The bill was reported 14-0.

SB 730  – The bill amends the Second Class Township Code (P.L. 103, No. 69 of 1933) by amending Section 1503 to permit a township to transfer real and personal property to a council of governments (COGs) or any other entity created by an intergovernmental cooperation agreement without following public notification and bidding requirements.  The bill was reported 14-0.

SB 743 – This legislation amends Section 1519 (relating to teaching of Safe Driving of Motor Vehicles) of the Public School Code of 1949 to provide an exemption from certification for driver education teachers.  The bill was reported 14-0.

SB 815 – This legislation adds in §6311 of Title 42 that a child who is alleged to be delinquent may appear with counsel at the intake conference conducted by a juvenile probation office following the submission of a written allegation (counsel is not mandatory at this proceeding).  The bill was reported 14-0.SB 1167 – Amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) providing for assignment of custody rights during military deployment.  The bill was reported 14-0.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 3-26-12 and reported out the following:

SB 818 – This bill amends the Judicial Code (relating to disposition of delinquent child) to require the court to make certain findings of fact and conclusions of law prior to entering a disposition order in a delinquency proceeding. The findings must include the reasons for the court’s disposition along with the goals, terms and conditions of the disposition.  The bill was reported 16-0.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 3-5-12 and reported out the following:

SR 65: The resolution amends the Rules of the Senate, providing for affiliation with nonprofit entities.  The resolution was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 2-7-12 and reported out the following:

SB 1327:  This bill amends the Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone and Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone to allow designation of any unused Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zones and extends tax exemptions to any parcel of land adjacent to a current Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) if it will create at least 200 new jobs.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 1-25-12 and reported out the following:

HB 1458: This bill amends Title 75 as it pertains for nonreciprocity of operational limitations.  The language that established the automated red light enforcement program was removed by the House.  The bill was reported from committee 15-1.

The Senate Appropriations Committee met on 9-26-11 and reported out the following bills:

SB 354: This legislation creates the REAL ID Nonparticipation Act.  The Governor or the Attorney General may file an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to challenge the constitutionality or legality of the REAL ID Act of 2005.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 367: This bill gives DGS and SSHE the authority to execute contracts or leases in the name of the Commonwealth for the mining or removal of minerals found on state-owned land.  Sen. White offered A5231 that provides for the Dept. of General Services to be responsible for the administration of leases and conveyances related to mineral resources on State System land and provides for the disposition of the funds generated.  The amendment and bill were reported 25-1.

SB 560 :This bill establishes the State Military College Legislative Appointment Program within the General Assembly.  The bill was reported 23-3.

SB 743 : The bill would permit a person who does not hold a professional educator certification, but who is qualified as a teacher or director in a private driver education or training school, to teach driver education in a public school classroom, provided that the person passes a criminal background check and satisfies other certification requirements related to the person’s physical and mental condition.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 834: This bill amends Title 16 (Counties) by adding provisions for required fiscal security through bonding, blanket bonding and insuring of elected and appointed county officers and employees; providing for determining the form, amount and payment of premiums for and the filing and recording of the required security and for the subsequent issuance of official commissions; and making related repeals.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 850: This bill amends Title 18, Crimes and Offenses and Title 42, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure by establishing the criminal offense of cyberbullying and sexting; adding to the circumstances under which juvenile records may be expunged; changing the Juvenile Act to protect juveniles appearing before magisterial district judges or involved in juvenile court proceedings and presumption of indigency for purposes of the appointment of counsel.  Sen. Greenleaf offered A5105 that conforms indecency provisions to court rules and makes an effective date change.  The amendment and bill were reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 2-28-11 and reported out the following:

SR 45  This resolution created the new Senate standing committee for the Intergovernmental Operations.  The resolution was reported unanimously.