Aging & Youth 2011-2012
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 and reported out the following bill as committed:
HB 2270 (Watson) – This legislation would create a planning committee within the Department of Aging to work to develop a State Alzheimer’s Plan within a year of enactment.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 and reported out the following bill as committed:
HB 2407 (Hackett) – This legislation amends Older Adults Protective Services Act to allow the Department of Aging to prescribe the manner in which FBI background checks are completed.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 and reported out the following bills as amended:
SB 929 (McIlhinney) – This legislation amends the Public Welfare Code to provide counties the option to purchase or contract for certain children and youth services. Senator Ward offered Amendment A11598, which reestablishes applicable portions of the intent of Act 30, making it consistent with the juvenile code; further defines eligible alternative treatment programs; further defines the county purchase of services language; removes the 1% penalty for late payments; and, provides further details on the task force’s responsibilities. The amendment was unanimously approved.
SB 1413 (Ward) – This legislation amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) to provide for more stringent penalties for failure to report cases of suspected child abuse.
- Senator Ward offered an amendment which would amend the language of Senate Bill 549 (Fontana) into the current bill. The amendment was unanimously approved.
- Senator Yudichak offered Amendment A09456, which requires immediate reporting of incidents involving alleged sexual abuse or child exploitation; requires schools to notify all employees of reporting laws and provide a point of contact for doing so; and, provides further requirements for immediate telephonic reporting and written reporting within 24 hours. The amendment was unanimously approved.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 and unanimously reported out the following:
HB 1720, PN 2589 (Hennessey) – This legislation amends Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) to provide for uniform adult guardianship and protective proceedings jurisdiction. The bill was reported as committed.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Monday, December 12, 2011 and unanimously reported the following resolution as committed:
SR 250, PN 1846 (Ward) – This resolution establishes the Task Force on Child Protection.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Tuesday, December 06, 2011 and reported out the following bills:
HB 210 (Baker) – This legislation amends the Family Caregiver Support Act of 1990 by providing for nomenclature changes, as well as further definitions and clarifications of existing terms and regulations. The bill was unanimously reported as committed.
HB 1052 (Gingrich) – This legislation creates the “Long-Term Care Nursing Facility Independent Informal Dispute Resolution Act,” which would regulate the dispute process for long-term care nursing facilities under the purview of the Department of Health. Senator Ward offered amendment A06685, which is technical in nature and makes the bill consistent with the Senate version. The amendment and bill were unanimously reported.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Tuesday, June 14, 2011, and unanimously reported out the following bill as committed:
HB 463 – The legislation amends the State Lottery Law by providing for PACE and PACENET members who would have otherwise been disqualified for these programs based solely on Social Security cost-of-living increases.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Wednesday, June 8, 2011, and unanimously reported out the following bills as committed:
SB 550 – This legislation amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) by providing legal repercussions for individuals who intentionally make false reports of child abuse against employees of detention facilities or private residential rehabilitative institutions. The bill also establishes a subfile for these individuals who have been found guilty of false reporting in the Statewide Registry.
SB 1095 – The legislation establishes the Long-Term Care Nursing Facility Independent Informal Dispute Resolution Act which creates an informal review process for long-term care nursing facilities to dispute Department of Health findings using an independent agent.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, and unanimously reported out the following bill as committed:
SB 549 – This legislation amends the Child Protection Services portion of Title 23 (Domestic Relations) by providing for school employees and suspected child abuse requirements.
The Senate Aging and Youth met on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 and unanimously reported out the following conformation:
The committee unanimously reported out the conformation of Brian M. Duke as Secretary of Aging.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 and unanimously reported out the following bills as committed:
SB 449 – The legislation amends the Public School Code by establishing a child abuse recognition and reporting program, by consulting the Department of Education, within the Department of Public Welfare.
SB 639 – The bills amends the Family Caregiver Support Act by changing the name of the act to the “Pennsylvania Caregiver Support Act,” as well as removing “relative” from the definition of “primary caregiver.” The legislation also increases reimbursement to some caregivers.