March 21, 2017
SB 169 PN 145 (Laughlin): This bill amends Title 65 (Public Officers) to require lobbyists and lobbying firms to file electronically with the Department of State, and for the Department of State to post all lobbying disclosure forms on its website within seven days of...
March 20, 2017
SB 123 PN 106 (Scavello): This bill amends Title 34 (Game) to allow hunting on Sundays with birds of prey. The bill was approved 48-0. SB 137 PN 91 (McGarrigle): This bill amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) by having the Department of Military Affairs act as liaison...
February 8, 2017
SB 3 PN 283 (Brooks): This bill decreases the gestational age at which an abortion can be performed from 24 weeks to 20 weeks. This bill prohibits “dismemberment abortion,” or commonly known as a dilation and evacuation abortion procedure. Senator Schwank motioned the...
7 de febrero de 2017
SB 10 PN 295 (Reschenthaler): This bill requires municipalities to enforce certain administrative requests from the federal government, removes municipalities’ of refuge eligibility for certain state programs, and makes municipalities of refuge liable for certain...
6 de febrero de 2017
SB 170, PN 146 (Rafferty) - Este proyecto de ley modifica la Ley 200 de 1931 para reformar la Autoridad Portuaria del Río Delaware. El senador Haywood ofreció la enmienda A00096, que no requeriría que los miembros de la DRPA sean confirmados por el Senado (el Gobernador mantendría su papel tradicional de...
1 de febrero de 2017
SB 261, PN 243 (Scarnati) - Este proyecto de ley modifica el Código Judicial en relación con el estatuto civil y penal de las limitaciones de abuso sexual infantil, y prevé la renuncia a la inmunidad soberana y gubernamental en relación con las reclamaciones de abuso sexual infantil. Una votación de 48-0 fue...
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