Harrisburg, PA – June 22, 2022 – The PA House Transportation Committee today amended Senator Lisa Boscola’s legislative proposal that would require drivers to remove ice or snow from their vehicles within 24 hours following heavy snow or ice storms, into Senate Bill 1094, and unanimously reported the legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives.
Con el nombre de "Ley de Christine", Boscola dijo que su propuesta ayudaría a prevenir tragedias como la que le ocurrió a Christine Lambert, de Palmer Township, el día de Navidad de 2005. Ella murió cuando un gran trozo de hielo se desprendió de un camión que pasaba y se estrelló contra su parabrisas.
“I have been fighting to get this law on the books ever since that tragic accident over a decade and a half ago,” Boscola said. “I am hopeful the full House will act on this legislation quickly so the Senate can concur and get this to the Governor’s desk prior to the summer recess.”
“My bill is about safety and responsibility,” Boscola said. “Hopefully, Christine’s Law will increase public awareness and make people more vigilant about clearing snow and ice from their vehicles.”
Dijo que su propuesta reforzaría la ley vigente al disuadir a los conductores y prevenir las tragedias antes de que ocurran.
La ley actual sólo sanciona a un conductor cuando se produce un daño corporal grave por un proyectil de nieve o hielo. La Ley Christine sería más proactiva, ya que daría a los agentes de policía discrecionalidad para detener un vehículo cuando la acumulación de hielo o nieve suponga un peligro potencial.
Earlier this session, Senate Bill 114, Boscola’s standalone proposal unanimously passed the Senate on April 21, 2021. It was then reported out of the House Transportation Committee on May 24, 2021, but has still not been voted on by the House of Representatives.
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