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SB 96, PN 9 (Langerholc) – Makes several designations to bridges in Cambria County, as well as a repeal. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.

SB 122, PN 12 (Langerholc) – Makes several designations to bridges in Cambria County, as well as repeals. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.

SB 1, PN 26 (Laughlin) – Proposing separate and distinct amendments to the Constitution to provide for voter identification; further providing for actions on concurrent orders and resolutions; and providing for a two-year window reviving claims related to childhood sexual assault.

Senator Costa moved to divide the question. The chair ruled the question was not divisible. Senator Costa appealed the ruling. The appeal failed by a vote of 21-27.

Senator Boscola offered amendment A00016 which adds language providing that the rights of the citizens shall not deny or interfere with another individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, including a fundamental right to receive an abortion, prenatal and postnatal care, childbirth, contraception, sterilization, miscarriage management and infertility. Senator Phillips-Hill moved to table the amendment. The motion passed by a vote of 27-21.

Senator Boscola also offered amendment A00017 which adds a section to Article VIII of the Constitution to eliminate school district property tax as follows:

  • After June 30, 2028, School districts may not levy property taxes on homesteads or farms in the Commonwealth. Each year thereafter, school districts will receive, at minimum, the same amount of funding they received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2028. Funds distributed to the school district may include, but not be limited to:

o A State tax on each separate sale at retail of tangible personal property or services in this Commonwealth.

o A State tax on the receipt of income by every resident individual, estate or trust. o A local tax on the receipt of income by every resident individual, estate or trust.

o A local tax on earned income and net profits

Senator Pittman moved to table the amendment. The motion passed by a vote of 27-21.

Senator Boscola also offered amendment A00018 which amends Article I, section 28 of the Constitution to strike the equal rights language as it applies to “sex,” and adds “race, ethnicity, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, familial status or disability. Senator Phillips-Hill moved to table the amendment. The motion passed by a vote of 27-21.

Senator Costa moved to table the bill. The motion failed by a vote of 21-27. The bill was approved by a vote of 28-20.

SB 35, PN 13 (Langerholc) – Removes language set forth in Act 89 of 2013 indexing the gas tax to the actual average wholesale price of gasoline (with a floor of $2.99 per gallon), replacing this language with a flat tax rate of $0.58 per gallon.

Senator Hughes offered amendment A00020 which transfers $225,000,000 from the General Fund to the Motor License Fund to offset the loss of revenue due to the changes in the calculation of the wholesale gas price. Senator Langerholc moved to table the amendment. The motion was approved by a vote of 27-21. The bill was approved by a vote of 29-19.

SR 16, PN 27 (Pittman) – A Resolution proposing a special rule of practice and procedure in the Senate when sitting on impeachment trials. A vote of 28-20 was recorded.