SB 912 PN 1415 (Browne): Senate Bill 912 provides for the Commonwealth’s nonpreferred appropriation to the Pennsylvania State University for fiscal year 2015-2016. The bill was approved, 48-2.
SB 913 PN 1416 (Browne): Senate Bill 913 provides for the Commonwealth’s nonpreferred appropriation to the University of Pennsylvania for fiscal year 2015-2016. The bill was approved, 48-2.
SB 914 PN 1417 (Browne): Senate Bill 914 provides for the Commonwealth’s nonpreferred appropriation to Temple University for fiscal year 2015-2016. The bill was approved, 48-2.
SB 915 PN 1418 (Browne): Senate Bill 915 provides for the Commonwealth’s nonpreferred appropriation to the University of Pittsburgh for fiscal year 2015-2016. The bill was approved, 48-2.
SB 916 PN 1419 (Browne): Senate Bill 916 provides for the Commonwealth’s nonpreferred appropriation to Lincoln University for fiscal year 2015-2016. The bill was approved, 48-2.
HB 477 PN 2543 (Hickernell): House Bill 477 allows caregivers of children in out-of-home placements to approve or disapprove of age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate activities without prior approval, so long as the activity does not conflict with a service plan or court order. The bill was approved unanimously, 50-0.
HB 698 PN 2458 (Marshall): This bill amends Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes by allowing a disabled person the ability to use a motorized wheelchair while hunting. The bill was approved unanimously, 50-0.
SB 984 PN 1440 (Bartolotta): The bill amends Titles 53 (Municipalities Generally), 66 (Public Utilities) and 75 (Vehicles) to provide for a Transportation Network Company (TNC). The bill was approved, 48-2.
SB 1065 PN 1393 (Scavello): This bill amends Title 34 (Game) to allow hunting on Sundays with birds of prey. The bill was approved unanimously, 50-0.
SR 248 PN 1435 (Rafferty): This Resolution urges the Governor and the President of the United States to discontinue the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the Commonwealth until effective security checks are in place. Sen. Williams offered Amendment A04510, which would have restricted access to weapons by people on the watch list. Sen. Corman motioned to table the amendment and the amendment was tabled. Sen. Williams then moved to table the Resolution. The resolution failed 19-31. The resolution was adopted 37-13.