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SB 831, PN 921 (Yaw) – This bill would set up regulatory framework for carbon capture and storage – Proves for the injection of carbon dioxide into an underground reservoir for the purpose of carbon sequestrations, for the ownership of pore space below surface lands and waters, for conveyance of the surface ownership of real property, imposing duties on the DEP and establishing the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund.

Amendment A03616 (Yaw) – The amendment provides that a survey or assessment across the possible storage facility area may be conducted prior to submitting an application to the department.

Authorization of projects for underground storage require a storage operator to provide notice must be provided to surrounding property interest owners when submitting application for permitting.

Monitoring is required before starting the project and periodically thereafter. When a storage operator is unable to obtain a right to monitor from the property owner:

– The Secretary is authorized to issue an order for entry onto the property and establish the reasonable compensation due the property owner.

– The storage operator is required to hold harmless and indemnify the property owner if any claims arise from the property entry.

– Data obtained is to be provided to the department.

The amendment requires a project to isolate existing or future production and the Secretary to determine there will not be an adverse effect for a permit to be issued.

The amendment adds a right for injunctive relief, damages or other civil or equitable relief when there is an injury or loss as a result of the injection or migration of carbon dioxide.

The amendment lists types of damages recoverable:

– General and specific damages

– Punitive damages – except when a storage operator is determined to have had a reasonable basis for believing the project would not result in migration

– Reasonable attorney fees

– Injunctive and other equitable relief and

– Other relief deemed necessary.

The amendment clarifies that the basis for the collective interest of the pore space owner is fair market valuation.

The amendment clarifies that protection for prior existing contracts or lease exists wither the contract or lease is with the subsurface or a predecessor to the subsurface property owner.

The amendment makes several clarification additions and technical changes.

The amendment passed by a vote of 49-0 and the bill went over in its order.

SB 915, PN 1350 (Langerholc) – The bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) to waive the replacement fee and automatically reissue military registration license plates that are illegible, as is done with standard and personalized plates. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

SB 1047, PN 1334 (K. Ward) – This bill designates the portion of State Route 31 in Westmoreland County from where it intersects with First Street to the intersection with Yoder Avenue in the Borough of Mount Pleasant in Westmoreland County as the “Mayor Gerald D. Lucia Memorial Highway.” A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

SB 1054, PN 1348 (Mastriano) – The bill amends the Overdose Mapping Act to require the PA Dept. of Health to submit data related to a known or suspected overdose already reported by EMS providers through existing networks to the overdose information network system under the State Police.

Amendment A3636 (Mastriano) – The amendment adds law enforcement officers and EMS providers to the definition of authorized user for the Overdose Mapping Act.

The amendment exempts an EMS provider who lacks the necessary reporting technology from the requirement to report within 72 hours of the overdoes and requires instead the EMS provider to report as soon as practicable.

La enmienda fue aprobada por 49 votos a favor y 0 en contra, y el proyecto de ley pasó en su orden enmendado.

SB 1120, PN 1425 (Robinson)The bill providing for bail of persons posing threat to public safety. The bill would require monetary bail to be imposed against any defendant that posed a threat to public safety, as defined as a person that poses a threat to a victim, individual, or the public.

Amendment A03634 (Baker) – The amendment provides that a person charged with Assault of a Law Enforcement Officer or Evading Arrest and Detention by a law enforcement officer is subject to the provisions of the bill that restrict the use of ROR bail.

The amendment passed by a vote of 36-13 and the bill went over in its order as amended.

SR 251, PN 1424 (Mastriano) – The bill urging the Governor to offer the services of the Pennsylvania National Guard to the State of Texas in support of Operation Lone Star. A vote of 27-22 was recorded.