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SB 623, PN 2027 (Yaw) – This legislation amends Title 20 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, to codify Pennsylvania orders for life sustaining treatment (POLST), as well as makes changes to provisions regarding Out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate orders (OOH-DNR) orders and prevents the use of new OOH-DNR orders executed after the Department of Health adopts an initial POLT form.  A vote of 47-1 was recorded.

SB 701, PN 1999 (Browne) – This is a land conveyance bill.  DGS is directed to convey 0.49 acres of land in Harrisburg (near 10th and Market Streets) to 812 Market, Inc. for $1.  The building that sits on this parcel of land was previously used as the DGS Publications Building.  The property is currently held by DGS.  It will be conveyed to the Public School Employees’ Retirement System through a PSERS-owned real estate holding company (812 Market, Inc.).  A vote of 48-0 was recorded.

HB 1294, PN 2647 (Ward) – This legislation allows for a Purple Heart special license plate and a Legion of Merit special license plate to be displayed on a motorcycle, and allows drivers of a transportation network company to display an illuminated sign on their vehicle.  A vote of 48-0 was recorded.

HB 1414, PN 3204 (Barrar) – House Bill 1414 provides for yellow and white lights for tow trucks, red lights for vehicles used by probation officers in the First Judicial district of Philadelphia, internal blue lights for privately-owned vehicles used in answering emergency calls, yellow strobe lights for solid waste collection vehicles, and internally mounted lights in certain fire police vehicles.  Senator Rafferty offered amendment A07272, which allows police, sheriff and emergency vehicles to be equipped with flashing lights in reverse lamp assemblies.  The amendment was agreed to via voice vote.  Senator Martin offered amendment A06850, which permits police officers who are members of municipal Special Emergency Response Teams to use visual and audible signals on personal vehicles while responding to emergency situations.  The amendment was agreed to via voice vote.  The bill went over in its order as amended.

HB 26, PN 2010 (White) – This legislation amends Section 1341(c) of Title 75 allowing PennDOT to issue special organization registration plates for special groups or for special purposes, referred to as the Special Organization Plate Program.  Senator Rafferty offered amendment A09663, which provides for several different specialty license plates including a Distracted Driving Awareness plate.  The amendment was agreed to via voice vote.  Senator Street offered amendment A09672, which provides for a special plate for veterans of an ally foreign country.  The amendment was agreed to via voice vote.  Senator Vulakovich offered amendment A09538, which clarifies existing law exempting certain volunteer fire, rescue and ambulance associations from registration fees.  The amendment was agreed to via voice vote.  The bill was agreed to as amended and re-referred to Appropriations.

HB 783, PN 858 (Nesbit) – This legislation amends Title 75 to exempt mobile and manufactured homes being sold or transferred from the requirement of obtaining a tax status certification form.  This would be applicable to mobile homes not previously titled in the Commonwealth.  Senator Scavello offered amendment A09053, which addresses school taxes.  The amendment was agreed to via voice vote.  The amendment was agreed to as amended and re-referred to Appropriations.

El Senado confirmó los siguientes nombramientos ejecutivos por 48 votos a favor y 0 en contra:

Gary Duncan, Pennsylvania Council on Aging (reappointment)

Estella Hyde, Pennsylvania Council on Aging (reappointment)

Darryl Hamm, Architects Licensure Board (reappointment)

Dennis Astorino, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (new appointment)

Natalee Colon, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (new appointment)

William Morgan, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (new appointment)

Donald Koontz, State Conservation Commission (reappointment)

Mary Ann Warren, State Conservation Commission (reappointment)

John Letizia, Board of Trustees of Ebensburg Center (new appointment)

Jeffrey Keeling, State Board of Education (new appointment)

Donald Anderson, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (new appointment)

Mark Dombrowski, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (new appointment)

Adrian Shanker, Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (new appointment)

Robert Hess, State Planning Board (reappointment)

David Pennoni, State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (reappointment)

Carol Sides, State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (reappointment)

Vito DonGiovanni, State Board of Psychology (reappointment)

Margaret Keller, Board of Trustees of Selinsgrove Center (reappointment)

Andrew Nebzydoski, State Board of Veterinary Medicine (reappointment)

Michael Negra, Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (reappointment)