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SB 276, PN 227 (J. Ward) – An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs), in veterans’ pensions and a benefits, further providing for blind veteran’s pension and for amputee and paralyzed veteran’s pension. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.

SB 798, PN 1409 (Killion) – Amends the Dog Law providing for court proceedings concerning dangerous dogs. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.

SB 927, PN 1320 (Mastriano) – Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in licensing of drivers, further providing for issuance and content of driver’s license. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.

SB 952, PN 1370 (Regan) – This bill amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) to clarify the Veterans Preference Law. Senator Regan offered amendment  A06047 which revises the definition of veteran to include an individual who is an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces and who is within 90 days of an approved discharge (other than dishonorable) as evidenced by proper documentation. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill went over in its order.

SB 905, PN 1430 (Browne) – This bill is the Capital Budget Project Itemization Act of 2019-2020. Senate concurred in House amendments as amended by the Senate. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.

The Senate confirmed the following nominations by a vote of 50-0:

Keri A. Ellis, State Board of Accountancy (reappointment)

Charles A. O’Brien, State Board of Accountancy (new appointment)

Aram Piligian, Architects Licensure Board (new appointment)

Daniel A. Trace, State Board of Auctioneer Examiners (reappointment)

Michael M. McAndrew, State Board of Barber Examiners (new appointment)

Elisa Brown, State Board of Cosmetology (reappointment)

Stephen J. Szabo, State Board of Cosmetology (new appointment)

Andrew S. Goulet, Junta Estatal de Operadores de Grúas (nuevo nombramiento)

Allan Mauger, State Board of Crane Operators (reappointment)

Brice D. Arndt, State Board of Dentistry (new appointment)

Joel S. Jaspan, State Board of Dentistry (reappointment)

Frank A. Epifano, Council of Trustees of East Stroudsburg University (new appointment)

Marcus S. Ligenfelter, Council of Trustees of East Stroudsburg University (reappointment)

Tameko Patterson, Council of Trustees of East Stroudsburg University (new appointment)

Patrick Ross, Council of Trustees of East Stroudsburg University (reappointment)

Kenneth C. DuPree, State Board of Funeral Directors (new appointment)

Thomas G. Kukuchka, Stat Board of Funeral Directors (reappointment)

Milan E. Rodriguez, State Board of Funeral Directors (reappointment)

Dina M. Klavon, State Board of Landscape  Architects (reappoinment)

Gerard F. Dillon, State Board of Medicine (new appointment)

Donald M. Yealy, State Board of Medicine (new appointment)

Lori A. Kovach, State Board of Nursing (new appointment)

Ilene K. Warner Maron, State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators (new appointment)

Denise T. Wilcox, State Board of Optometry (new appointment)

Janet Getzey Hart, State Board of Pharmacy (reappointment)

Christine M. Roussel, State Board of Pharmacy (new appointment)

Cynthia L. Potter, State Board of Physical Therapy (reappointment)

Jonathan J. Tabas, State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (new appointment)

Jeffrey J. Johnson, State Real Estate Commission (new appointment)

David V. Matthews, State Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers (new appointment)

Lisa A. Butler, State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (new appointment)

Andrew A. McCall, State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Patholoy and Audiology (new appointment)

Patrick M. Browne, Board of Trustees of Temple University Commonwealth System of Higher Education (new appointment)

Ronald R. Donatucci, Board of Trustees of Temple University Commonwealth System of Higher Education (reappointment)

Patrick J. Elding, Board of Trustees of Temple University Commonwealth System of Higher Education (reappointment)

John F. Street, Board of Trustees of Temple University Commonwealth System of Higher Education (new appointment)

Joseph S. Bender, State Board of Veterinary Medicine (new appointment)