SB 144, PN 1051 (Yaw) – This bill requires DEP to develop standards for alternate onlot sewage disposal systems and allows applicants for Act 537 plan supplements or revisions to include alternate systems that are permitted by a sewage enforcement officer. The Senate concurred in amendments made by the House to the bill by a vote of 48-1.
SB 289, PN 1020 (White) – This is a bridge and road naming bill. The Senate concurred in amendments made by the House by a vote of 49-0.
SB 527, PN 1081 (Aument) – This bill amends the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L. 177, No.175) known as the Administrative Code to create the independent Office of Inspector General. Under the bill the Inspector General would be appointed directly by the Governor. The Senate concurred in amendments made by the House by a vote of 47-2.
SB 553, PN 1037 (Rafferty) – This bill would amend Title 75 (Vehicle Code) to make changes to the ignition interlock law. The Senate concurred in amendments made by the House by a vote of 49-0.
SB 624, PN 1000 (Scarnati) – This bill exempts planned subsidence by bituminous coal mining operations from consideration as pollution to surface streams and waterways, provided the mine has an approved mitigation plan. The Senate concurred in amendments made by the House by a vote of 28-21.
SB 6, PN 1085 (Regan) – This legislation creates the Public Assistance Integrity Act; it also amends the Human Services Code (Act 21 of 1967) by limiting the usage and defining “access device.” This legislation also limits benefit eligibility criteria, and it increases penalties for instances of willful fraud. A vote of 40-9 was recorded.
SB 172, PN 1067 (Argall) – SB 172 amends Title 75 (Vehicles) to allow for a pilot program for automated speed enforcement systems in active work zones. A vote of 45-3 was recorded.
HB 176, PN 2222 (Pickett) – This bill amends the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act to exempt roadside stands used to sell seasonal agricultural products. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 785, PN 2218 (Saylor) – Amends the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling Act by changing: the debt structure and issuance procedures; debt and project release limits; public disclosure for redevelopment assistance projects; and provides for implementation of the 2016-17 capital budget. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 677 PN 798 (Baker) – This bill creates the Pennsylvania ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Savings Program Tax Exemption Act. This bill passed the Senate by a vote of 48-0.