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Rules & Executive Nominations 2013-2014

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-16-14 and reported out the following:

SB 428: This bill amends the Probate, Estates and Fiduciaries Code, Title 20 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, relating to pooled trusts for persons with disabilities.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 508: This bill amends the Crime Victims Act, 1998 Act 111, to permit a victim or victim’s representative to provide testimony before the person or body making the parole release decision.  The bill was reported 11-6.

SB 720: This bill creates a statewide disaster assistance program for events that fall short of the threshold for federal assistance.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1135: This legislation amends the Public Housing Authorities Law requiring local housing authorities to give preference to veterans and families of active duty military when leasing public housing. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1180: This bill provides for prescription drug monitoring; creating the Prescription Drug Monitoring Board; establishing the Achieving Better Care by Monitoring All Prescriptions Program; and providing for unlawful acts and penalties.  The bill was reported 16-1.

SB 1239: The bill amends Section 3803(a) of Title 75 to correct a technical flaw in the grading of certain repeat DUI offenses.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1355: The bill amends the “Radiation Protection Act” (Act 147 of 1984) to increase program fees.  The bill was reported unanimously.

HB 1773: This legislation revises the Municipalities Financial Recovery Act in order to make it more effective in bringing distressed municipalities back to firm financial footing and provides for the disincorporation of municipalities deemed to be non-viable.  The bill was reported 15-2.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-14-2014 and reported out the following:

SB 27: This legislation would add a new section to Title 23 (Domestic Relations) to allow the exchange of information between certified medical practitioners and the Department of Public Welfare in cases stemming from the Child Protective Services Law.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-8-14 and reported out the following:

SB 83: This measure would provide for the use of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) upon certain highways within the Commonwealth.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 807: The bill amends the Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act by creating a voluntary license for a bachelor of social work.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1290: The act requires wireless telecommunications service providers to disclose the mobile communications tracking information of an electronic device in an emergency situation upon written request from an investigative or law enforcement officer.  The bill was reported unanimously.

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The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 9-23-14 and reported out the following:

SB 1164: This bill will provide immunity from prosecution for certain drug crimes to an individual responding to an occurrence of drug overdose under the certain conditions.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1197: The bill would clarify specific time periods and requirements for expunging juvenile summary offense records.  The bill was reported unanimously.

HB 1177: This legislation adds several amendments to Title 53 (Municipalities Generally).  1. Adds language to provisions in law regarding a referendum on the formation of a of local government study commission to study consolidation/merger of municipalities.  2. Provides for an appeal process of charter school applications in school districts of the first class.  3. Allows airport authorities in second class counties to invest in commercial paper.  4.  Adds a 10 cent tax on each cigarette to be imposed by school districts of the first class.  5.  Provides for language relating to debt service agreements between the city of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia School District.  The bill was reported 14-3.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 7-8-14 and reported out the following:

SB 145: This legislation amends the Mechanics’ Lien Law, providing for exceptions for liens filed by subcontractors and for court discharges of lien payments.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1401: This bill names multiple bridges and roads throughout the Commonwealth. The bill was reported unanimously.

HB 278: This bill is the omnibus Fiscal Code bill that will implement the 2014-15 budget.  The bill was reported 11-6 along party lines.

HB 1177: This legislation adds language to provisions in law regarding a referendum on the formation of a of local government study commission to study consolidation/merger of municipalities. The language would stipulate that when a question is placed on the ballots of two or more municipalities to consolidate or merge and create a home rule charter, the vote would be determined by the total number voting within all affected municipalities.  Amendments to the bill also allow for the implementation of hotel room excise taxes, a cigarette tax for the school district of Philadelphia and the types of investments permitted by certain airport authorities.  The House of Representatives further amended the bill to include a Charter School Appeal Process for charter school applicants in a school district of the first class; and technical corrective language to the collection and distribution of the hotel excise tax.  Sen. Pileggi offered A9225 which would adds four new City Revitalization and Improvement Zones and three pilot zones and sunsets zone designations in 2015; reinserts provisions related to hotel tax and adds an additional jurisdiction; and prohibits the securitization of revenue from the Philadelphia cigarette tax and sunsets the measure after five years.  The amendment was adopted 12-5.  Sen. Hughes made a motion to revert to the prior printer’s number in order to get the bill to the governor immediately so that Philadelphia could start collecting the new revenue.  The motion failed along party lines 6-11.  The amended bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 7-1-14 and reported out the following:

All bill were reported unanimously.

SB 622: The legislation provides for the licensure and regulation of debt settlement services providers.

SB 1194: This legislation amends the Public School Code relating to cooperative police service agreements and provides for the sale of unused and unnecessary lands and buildings.

SB 145: This legislation amends the Mechanics’ Lien Law, providing for exceptions for liens filed by subcontractors and for court discharges of lien payments.

SB 1001: This bill amends Title 57 (Notaries Public) to eliminate the requirement that applicants for Notary Public have their application endorsed by their state Senator, and to allow the Department of State to require applicants to submit criminal history information.

SB 1185: The bill amends the Second Class County Code to allow revenues received from autopsies to defray the costs of staff, equipment and supplies.

SB 1255: This legislation establishes the implementation of programs enhancing storm water best management practices.

SB 1401: This bill renames the West Chestnut Street Bridge in Coudersport Borough, Potter County, as the “Private Edwin Tubbs Memorial Bridge”; and renames the State Route 872 Bridge near Coudersport Borough/Eulalia Township Border, Potter County, as the “Specialist Donald Stiles Memorial Bridge.”

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-29-14 and reported out the following:

All of the bills were reported unanimously.

SB 75: This bill amends the Crimes Code and the Judicial Code by extensively revising the law on human trafficking in the areas of prosecution, prevention, victim protection, and evidentiary confidentiality, limitation of actions and victim impact statements; and making editorial changes.

SB 137: The bill amends the Speech-Language and Hearing Licensure Act by updating the statute.

SB 193: This bill requires school nurses not CPR-certified by a Department of Health-approved certifying agent by July 1, 2014 to complete this training within one year.

SB 1187: This bill amends Title 75 to provide for a special registration plate.

SB 1312: The bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in size, weight and load, further providing for length of vehicles.

SB 1384: SB 1384 is the Highway Capital Budget Project Itemization Act of 2014-15.

HB 1945: This is an omnibus land conveyance bill. It also includes an authorization to perform a survey of the old Harrisburg State Hospital and Harrisburg State Hospital Farm in Dauphin County prior to conveyance of the property.

HB 2072: This bill is a multiple road and bridge naming bill.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-17-14 and reported out the following:

All of the bills were reported unanimously.

SB 177: This bill establishes the task force on Lyme disease and related maladies. It will be known as the Lyme and Related Tick-Borne Disease Surveillance, Education, Prevention and Treatment Act.

SB 403: This bill would authorize the awarding of grants to medical or health officers (both full-time and part-time) in exchange for their service in the National Guard, to help attract and retain more physicians in the Guard.

SB 1090: This bill amends Title 34 (Game) to provide for a reduced-fee hunting license to disabled veterans paid at the one hundred percent rate.

SB 1102: This bill amends Title 30 (Fish) to provide for a reduced-fee hunting license to disabled veterans paid at the one hundred percent rate.

SB 1115: This bill would enhance the benefit and scope of the Educational Assistance Program.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-10-14 and reported out the following:

SB 1077: This bill makes various changes to the Scrap Metal Theft Act. Changes include the addition of railroad materials to the list of restricted materials and the requirement of additional authorization for commercial account transactions. Also requires scrap processors and recycling facilities to register with the State Police and provides for a fine for failing to properly register. Lastly, the bill provides courts with the authority to impound vehicles involved with scrap metal theft.  Sen. Pileggi offered A7518 that clarifies language in the bill.  The amendment and bill were reported unanimously.

SB 1205: This bill amends Title 24 (Education) to establish requirements for colleges to change their designations to university and trade schools to change their designation to college.  The bill was reported unanimously.

HB 1559: This bill allows school entities to develop Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Policies and Child Exploitation Awareness Programs as part of their age appropriate curriculum.  Sen. Pileggi offered A7390 guts the prior version and inserts a new section pertaining to youth suicide awareness and prevention.  The amendment and bill were reported unanimously.

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The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 4-9-14 and reported out the following:

SB 31: This bill amends the Child Protective Services portion of the Domestic Relations Code to provide for a consistent manner of investigation for every child abuse report, regardless of the perpetrator.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1037: The bill adds language to the Air Pollution Control requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to initiate the process of amending the federally mandated State Implementation Plan within 60 days and to repeal the state regulation of summer gas upon federal approval.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 4-9-14 and reported out the following:

SB 21: This bill broadens the scope of mandated reporters (those required by law to report suspected child abuse) and replaces broader language providing for reporting requirements with a definitive list. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1181: This bill provides for a $4,200,000 transfer from the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund to the State Racing. The transfer will be made on a weekly basis in the amount of $300,000 beginning with the effective date of the act and ending 14 weeks later. The transfer money is to be used exclusively for the enforcement of the Race Horse Industry Reform Act and may not be transferred subsequently to any other State fund or account.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SR 339: This resolution amends the Senate Ethical Conduct Rules by banning cash gifts.  Sen. Pileggi offered a technical amendment that was agreed to.  The resolution was adopted unanimously

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 4-7-14 and reported out the following:

SB 33: This bill would add a new section to Title 23 (Domestic Relations) for employment discrimination protection in the Child Protective Services Law. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 267: This bill amends the Public School Code to extend the acceptable excuses for school absence to include educational reasons. This bill also makes Automatic Emergency Defibrillators (AEDs) available in all school buildings. The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 3-31-14 and reported out the following:

SB 24: This bill amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) to further provide definitions, investigation and reporting. The bill was reported unanimously.

SR 321: This resolution provides for a temporary rule of the Senate, which would rule out of order certain amendments to General Appropriation Bills for the fiscal year 2014-2015. The resolution was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 3-17-14 and reported out the following:

SB 681: This bill creates the Protection of Victims of Sexual Violence and Intimidation Act.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 895: This bill amends Title 34 (Game) to provide for reduction in the length of a term for a member of the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Board of Commissioners, while permitting multiple terms of continued service.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 2-4-14 and reported out the following:

SB 497:  This legislation proposes to modernize and re-codify the Third Class City Code (Code), an effort that has not been attempted during the past 60 years.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 1-28-14 and reported out the following:

SB 57: This bill provides an exception under the Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act for the interception of oral communications on a school bus or a school vehicle. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1024: This bill amends the arson statute to provide for aggravated arson and arson of a historic resource. Sen. Pileggi offered A5179 that removes the mandatory minimum sentence for one of the arson offenses. The amendment and bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 12-11-13 and reported out the following:

SB 30: This legislation would amend Title 23 (Domestic Relations) to provide for appeals of indicated reports and protection from false claims under the Child Protective Services Law. The bill further provides immunity from liability when a reporter is acting in good faith.  A reporter would include a person, hospital, institution, school, facility, agency or an employee of an agency.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 12-10-13 and reported out the following:

Todos los proyectos de ley y enmiendas se aprobaron por unanimidad.

SB 23: This legislation amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) and would repeal and replace portions of the definition of “perpetrator” under the definitions section of Title 23. This legislation is based on the November, 2012 recommendations of the Child Protection Task Force created by Senate Resolution 250 of 2011.

SB 28: The bill amends or adds several provisions to the Crimes Code (Title 18) relating to criminal offenses against children.

SB 34: This bill amends the Professional Educator Discipline act to establish a comprehensive system to be used to investigate and discipline professional educators for misconduct in Pennsylvania.

SB 638: The bill amends Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) to provide a tax exemption to high tunnels (greenhouses) so they may not be considered permanent structures and categorized as real estate for tax purposes.

SB 731: Amends amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the offense of retail theft.  Sen. Pileggi offerd a technical amendment.

SB 1116: This legislation amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) to clarify the purpose of investigative teams and how the county should handle investigations of suspected child abuse by providing additional safeguards relating to the investigation.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 12-3-13 and reported out the following:

SB 607: This legislation creates the “Carbon Monoxide Alarm Standards Act,” which regulates the installation, maintenance and requirements of carbon monoxide alarms in Pennsylvania.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1042: This bill amends the Clinical Laboratory Act to hold out-of-state laboratories operating in Pennsylvania to the same requirements as in-state laboratories.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 1131: This bill would allow packaging of any increments of potatoes,  thus removing the current weight requirements.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 11-19-13 and reported out the following:

SB 802: This bill amends the Boiler and Unfired Pressure Vessel Law to modernize the Law, allow for private inspections and allow the Department to update codes through regulation.  The bill was reported unanimously.

HB 290: This bill amends the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act to permit new games of chance; provide for prize limits; provide for regulations of the Department of Revenue (DOR); provide for licensing of eligible organizations to conduct small games; further provide for reports by club licensees and distribution of proceeds; further provides for revocation of licenses; and to provide for social card games.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 11-18-13 and reported out the following:

HB 1098:  This bill amends the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act to further provide for definitions, for major league sports drawing, for licensing of eligible organizations to conduct games of chance and to allow for tavern gaming. The bill was reported 14-2.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-23-13 and reported out the following:

SB 277: This bill amends the Vehicle Code regarding commercial driver’s licenses (CDL) and military personnel. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 680: Este proyecto de ley prevé la Ley de Presupuesto de Capital Itemization Proyecto de 2012-2013. El proyecto fue aprobado por unanimidad.

SB 732: The bill amends the Board of Vehicles Act by providing new vehicle dealers with protections from vehicle manufacturers. The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 10-22-13 and reported out the following:

SB 358: This bill will require mammography facilities certified by the United States Food and Drug Administration to provide patients with information on their breast density with each mammography report. Sen. Ward offered a technical amendment that was adopted unanimously. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 648:  This bill would amend §924 of the Game Code to ensure that landowners who allow hunting on their property are not liable to be prosecuted for Code violations committed by hunters the landowner permitted to hunt, unless the landowner willfully aids, abets, assists, attempts or conspires in the commission of the unlawful act. The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 7-3-13 and reported out the following:

SB 10: This bill amends the Public School Code to authorize the Office for Safe Schools to make grants to address school violence or enhance school security.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 155: This bill would require boarding kennel owners to obtain proof of an up-to-date rabies vaccination for every dog entering the boarding kennel.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 591: This bill amends the fiscal code by inserting budgetary implementation language.  Sen. Browne offered A3266 that removes certain language concerning payday lending.  The amendment and bill were reported unanimously.

SB 700: This bill amends the Second Class County Port Authority to make changes to the composition of the Board of the Port Authority of Allegheny County.  The bill was reported 13-4.

HB 465: This legislation amends the Tax Reform Code providing the omnibus tax code provisions for implementation of the 2013-2014 budget.  The bill was reported 16-1.

HB 1075: This bill amends the Welfare Code by inserting implementation language for the 2013-14 fiscal year.  The House extracted the Medicaid expansion language that had earlier passed the Senate.  Sen. Hughes offered and amendment that reinstates the expansion of Medicaid language.  The amendment failed 6-11.  Sen. Hughes made motion to revert to a prior printer’s number.  The motion failed 6-11.  The bill was reported 11-6.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-30-13 and reported out the following:

SB 351: Authorizes new or existing municipal authorities to undertake storm water planning, management and implementation. The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-29-13 and reported out the following:

SB 259: This bill amends Act 60 of 1979 that deals with Oil and Gas Leases.  The bill provides for certain forms of information to be provided to interest owners.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-28-13 and reported out the following:

SB 304: The bill makes minor changes to the language of the Non-Profit Corporation Law (NPCL), which simply conforms the wording of the NPCL to the language of the Business Corporation Law (BCL).  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-27-13 and reported out the following:

SB 586: This bill amends Title 20 (Decedents) to provide that a DD Form 93 is the formal mechanism for service members to designate who has the right to dispose of their remains.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-25-13 and reported out the following:

SB 579: The bill amends the Administrative Code by updating state police nomenclature, increasing the cap on the number of officers and enlisted members on state police force, and removing the requirement of underwater search teams.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 583: This legislation amends the Economic Development Financing Law by increasing the amount that an authority can contract without having to procure the services thru competitive sealed bids from $10,000 to $18,500.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-20-13 and reported out the following:

SB 419: This bill changes the date from 2005 to 2013 in which mortgages and deeds will be validated. The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 644: This legislation would change the definition of wild animals to exclude any species or variation of swine, pig or boar held in captivity. The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-10-13 and reported out the following:

SB 526: Amends Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes regarding the documentation required to exhibit animals at livestock shows.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-10-13 and reported out the following:

SB 334: This bill is Joint Resolution proposing integrated amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, eliminating the Traffic Court of Philadelphia.  The bill was reported 16-1.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 6-3-13 and reported out the following:

SR 118: This resolution provides for a temporary rule of the Senate, which would rule out of order certain amendments to General Appropriation Bills for the fiscal year 2013-2014.  Sen. Pileggi offered an amendment that provides clarifying language.  The amendment and resolution was passed unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 5-13-13 and reported out the following:

SB 5: This bill establishes the Community-Based Health Care (CHC) program in the Department of Health to provide grants to community-based health care clinics.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 4-29-13 and reported out the following:

SB 302: The proposed legislation attempts to professionalize, standardize, and expand the current tasks and duties of a county director of veterans’ affairs.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 436: This bill amends the Pennsylvania Election Code to remove the sunset date for the voting standards previously adopted by the Voting Standards Development Board.  The bill was reported unanimously.

SB 623: This legislation provides an exemption from the standard licensing requirement for those individuals participating in mentored hunting program.  The bill was reported unanimously.

The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met 3-13-13 and reported out the following:

SR 53: The resolution urges the Senate of Pennsylvania to strongly support a United Ireland by supporting those peaceful political actions that will result in the final reunification of Ireland.  The resolution was reported unanimously.