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Truck driving in snow and ice

Harrisburg, PA – July 11, 2022– Senator Lisa Boscola’s legislative proposal that would require drivers to remove ice or snow from their vehicles within 24 hours following heavy snow or ice storms was signed by the Governor today, as Act 90 of 2022.

Con el nombre de "Ley de Christine", Boscola dijo que su propuesta ayudaría a prevenir tragedias como la que le ocurrió a Christine Lambert, de Palmer Township, el día de Navidad de 2005. Ella murió cuando un gran trozo de hielo se desprendió de un camión que pasaba y se estrelló contra su parabrisas.

“I have been fighting on behalf of the Lamberts to get Christine’s Law on the books ever since that tragic accident over a decade and a half ago,” Boscola said. “It’s been a long road to get this bill become law, but it was a fight I had to win for Christine’s husband Frank and son Matthew.”

"No hay palabras para expresar adecuadamente la importancia de la Ley de Christine para nuestra familia. Christine se echa mucho de menos por su familia y amigos", Frank y Matthew Lambert declaró al enterarse de la votación del Senado concurrencia. "El senador Boscola nunca renunció a la lucha para conseguir este proyecto de ley al Gobernador. No podemos agradecerle lo suficiente su tenacidad y compasión".

“Act 90 is first and foremost about public safety,” Boscola said. “The goal of Christine’s Law is to increase public awareness and make people more vigilant about clearing snow and ice from their vehicles so that the tragedy that befallen to the Lamberts don’t happen to other families.”

She said Act 90 will strengthen the existing law by deterring drivers and preventing tragedies before they happen.

Before Act 90, state law would only penalize a driver when serious bodily harm occurs from a snow or ice projectile. Christine’s Law will be more proactive, giving police officers discretion to pull over a vehicle where the buildup of ice or snow poses a potential hazard.

Christine’s Law will go into effect in 60 days meaning snow and ice removal would be required for the upcoming winter.

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