Post Session Report 2016
Post Session Report :: Tuesday, March 22, 2016
SB 983 PN 1219 (McGarrigle): This bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) to allow a primary caretaker of adult children to receive a special disability plate. The bill was approved with a vote of 48-0. SB 1104 PN 1498 (Greenleaf): This bill amends the Probate, Estates and...
Post Session Report :: Monday, March 21, 2016
SB 1142, PN 1598 (Yaw) – Amends the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act to provide for the Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Board. A vote of 49-0 was recorded. HB 1319, PN 2219 (Marshall) – This bill establishes a state Treasury administered 529-ABLE Plan...
Post Session Report :: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
HB 1327 PN 2969 (Peifer): This bill amends the Fiscal Code to provide language for budget implementation for both Act 10A of 2015 and the Supplemental Appropriation (HB 1801) along with other significant policy issues that one or more parties tied to the budget. The...
Post Session Report :: Tuesday, March 15, 2016
HB 838 PN 2656 (Santora): This bill renames the Garret Road Bridge in Upper Darby Township, Delaware County, as the Nicholas A. Micozzie Bridge. The Senate concurred the House’s amendments and the bill was approved with a vote of (49-0). SB 1013 PN 1427 (Hughes):...
Post Session Report :: Monday, March 14, 2016
SB 1056, PN 1438 (Baker) – This bill amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) and Title 51 (Military Affairs) to revise the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act by further addressing custodial responsibility during deployment. A vote of 49-0 was recorded....
Post Session Report :: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
HB 561 PN 634 (Kauffman): The bill amends The Local Tax Enabling Act to exempt all active duty military personnel from local earned income tax. The bill was approved with a vote of (48-0). SB 889 PN 1519 (Baker): The bill amends the Enforcement Officer Disability...
Post Session Report :: Tuesday, February 9, 2016
SB 489 PN 429 (Yaw): The bill amends the Check Casher Licensing Act of 1998 to lower the fee for cashing a government check or government assistance check. The bill also requires fees to be posted publicly and allows for the recovery of losses due to fraudulent...
Post Session Report :: Monday, February 8, 2016
SB 568, PN 541 (Greenleaf) – Amends Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries), relating to guardianships. A vote of 47-0 was recorded. SB 606, PN 598 (McGarrigle) – This bill amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure), providing for limited liability for...
Post Session Report :: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
SB 166 PN 1517 (Greenleaf): The bill amends Title 18 (Crimes Code) regarding dissemination and expungement of criminal history records; and amends Title 42 (Judicial Code) to establish an expungement petition filing fee. The Senate concurred the House amendments...
Post Session Report :: Tuesday, January 26, 2016
HB 1201 PN 1576 (Taylor): This bill authorizes the Department of Highways and counties, cities, boroughs, towns and townships to adopt and take over public roads and highways constructed by the federal government during times of war. The bill was approved with a vote...