November is
National Veterans and Military Families Month
The veterans of the United States are a representation of the best of our country. To show our thanks for all that they give, we celebrate National Veterans and Military Families Month every year during the month of November. During this time, we recognize veterans, military families, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service.
National Veterans and Military Families Month was first declared in November 2016. Every year since then, November has become a time to acknowledge the sacrifices that veterans and military families make. Our patriots answer the call to defend our nation, often facing danger and uncertainty with unparalleled bravery and resilience. These heroes have always relied on their families for support, and military families endure separation from their loved ones as well as changes to their living situations. The veterans of the United States and their military families have always been a beacon of courage and strength.
The Pennsylvania Senate Democrats thank our veterans during National Veterans and Military Families Month – and every month – and encourage all communities to support our service members and their families.
Nuestras prioridades, nuestro trabajo
Pennsylvania Veteran Support
Recognizing Veteran’s Day 2022 in PA
2023 Veterans & Military Council 5k
Date – November 4, 2023
9:00 AM
Join us for our annual 5K Ruck ‘n Run/Walk to honor veterans during Veterans Appreciation Week. Join Lehigh Valley colleges, universities, businesses and community members as we Ruck OR Run/Walk to recognize and honor all veterans throughout the Lehigh Valley.
4th Annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony
Date – November 5, 2023
2:00 PM
The Annual Veteran’s Day Program will be held on Sunday, November 5th, 2023 at 2:00 pm, rain or shine. Due to the completion of renovations on the Pennsylvania Veterans Memorial, the program will be held inside the memorial, with a rededication ceremony occurring during the program.
Veterans Day Ceremony
Date – November 11, 2023
11:00 am
Berks County’s annual Veterans Day ceremony will take place on Nov. 11 at City Park in Reading, beginning at 11 a.m. in the Veterans Grove section of the park.
9th Annual Philadelphia Veterans Day Parade
Date – November 5, 2023
12:00 pm
The 9th Annual Philadelphia Veterans Parade will be held on Sunday, November 5th, 2023, at 12 PM and is being televised on Channel 6. The parade concludes at North 5th Street and the Veterans Festival takes place from 12:30pm to 3:30pm between 3rd St. & 5th St. on Market St.
2023 Veterans Day Parade
Date – November 10, 2022
11:11 AM
U.S. Veteran’s Legacy is hosting its 2023 Veterans Day Parade on Friday, November 10. The parade will begin at 11:11am and be followed by a special ceremony and speech by this year’s Grand Marshall, Colonel Arthur L. Jenkins Jr., in front of the courthouse in Media, PA.
2023 Annual Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony
Date – November 11, 2023
11:00 am
Erie VA Medical Center invites veterans, their families, and community members to the annual Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony on Saturday, November 11, 2023.
Wyoming Valley Veterans Day Parade
Date – November 5, 2023
2:00 pm
The 78th annual Wyoming Valley Veterans Day Parade will be on Sunday, November 5th. The theme for this year is: “Honoring Our Korean War Veterans, Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice.”
Veterans Day Parade
Date – November 11, 2023
11:00 AM
One of America’s longest-running Veterans Day parades since 1919, it features groups representing veterans of all eras, military units, civic and youth groups (including Junior ROTC), businesses, and more. Floats, military and vintage vehicles and other special elements add to the spectacle and excitement.
9th Annual Luminary Tribute
Date – November 11, 2022
Mainspring of Ephrata will host its 9th Annual Luminary Tribute which will begin at sunset Saturday, November 11, and conclude at 8 p.m.
Senate Bill 89 - Veterans' Homelessness
This bill would bring the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) and the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) together to provide assistance to veterans who are experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of experiencing homelessness. The DMVA would implement a program to identify these veterans, while the PHFA would establish a housing ombudsman to advocate for homeless veterans in the housing market.
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Katie Muth
Senate Bill 203 - Green Alert for Veterans
This bill would implement a “Green Alert” system in Pennsylvania which is designed to warn the public if an at-risk veteran is missing.
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Wayne Fontana
Senate Bill 924 - Recognizing Military Sexual Trauma Awareness Day
This bill would establish an annual day of recognition and awareness to honor the strength, resolve, and perseverance of military sexual trauma (MST) survivors and work urgently to end sexual violence in the military and throughout this Commonwealth.
Prime Sponsors: Sens. Katie Muth & Lindsey Williams
Senate Resolution 97 - Recognizing Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Awareness Month
This bill would recognize April 2023 as “Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Awareness Month” in Pennsylvania.
Prime Sponsors: Sens. Katie Muth & Lindsey Williams
Protecting the Personal Information of Judges, Law Enforcement Personnel and Members of the Military
This bill would impose penalties on anyone who publishes personal identifying information, such as home addresses or telephone numbers, for active and former federal, state, county, municipal judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, military, and their family members.
Prime Sponsors: Sens. Lisa Boscola & Steve Santarsiero
Wreaths Across America Day 2023
This bill would designate December 16, 2023, as “Wreaths Across America Day” in Pennsylvania. The Wreaths Across America project began in 1992 and is now an annual tradition where Maine balsam fir remembrance wreaths are placed on the graves of the fallen heroes buried at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as more than 3,700 additional locations in all 50 states, at sea, and abroad, while saying the name of each veteran aloud.
Prime Sponsors: Sens. Jay Costa & Devlin Robinson
Senate Bill 91 - Recent Veterans Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program
This bill would establish the recent veteran property tax and rent rebate program. This program will be modeled after the Pennsylvania property tax and rent rebate program for seniors, and it would be for service members ending active status and entering civilian life or honorably discharged within the past three years.
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Katie Muth
Senate Bill 398 - Veterans' Disability Payments Exemptions under Section 1901 of the Vehicle Code
This bill would remove veterans’ disability payments from income eligibility under Section 1901 of the Vehicle Code (exemption of persons, entities, and vehicles from fees).
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Jay Costa
Senate Resolution 42 - Designating May 2023 as “Blue Star Mothers of America Month” in Pennsylvania
This bill would designate May 2023 as “Blue Star Mothers of America Month” in the Commonwealth. Blue Star Mothers, Inc. was founded in 1942 to unite mothers who had sons or daughters in the United States Armed Forces. The organization provides support for active-duty service personnel and families, promotes patriotism, and assists various veterans’ organizations.
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Vincent Hughes
Military Service Buyback for Public School Employees
This bill would amend Title 24 (Education) to give all active PSERS members and multiple service members who are active members with the State Employees’ Retirement System, who had activated military service between July 1, 1990, and June 30, 2013, until their date of termination of service to purchase service credit for activated military service.
Prime Sponsors: Sens. Greg Rothman & Katie Muth
Real Estate Tax Exemption for Deceased Veterans' Spouses
This bill would allow a surviving spouse of a deceased veteran to receive real estate tax exemption in cases in which the veteran passes away during the disability claim process before being deemed 100% disabled – as long as the evaluation is ultimately completed with validation of the claim. Additionally, the legislation would extend real estate tax exemption eligibility to surviving spouses of veterans killed in the line of duty or in the course of active service duty.
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Marty Flynn
Senate Bill 146 - Free Fishing for Veterans in Therapeutic Programs
This bill would provide for a dedicated exemption for individuals participating in therapeutic angling programs sponsored by various established service groups, such as Project Healing Waters and Wounded Warriors.
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Jim Brewster
Senate Bill 450 - Disabled Veterans Real Estate Tax
This bill would amend the Disabled Veterans Real Estate Tax Exemption law relating to calculation of income and the determination of “need.” This legislation is aimed at providing property tax exemption to an expanded population of veterans who have incurred significant and permanent disability because of their military service and now suffer from financial hardship.
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Christine Tartaglione
Senate Resolution 83 - Resolution Recognizing “Military Sexual Trauma Survivor Week” in Pennsylvania
This bill would recognize the week of October 15th through the 21st as Military Sexual Trauma Survivor Week in Pennsylvania.
Prime Sponsors: Sens. Katie Muth & Lindsey Williams
Extending Veteran Benefits to Pennsylvania Veterans of Allied Countries
This bill would amend sections of Title 51 (Military Affairs) to ensure veteran allies of foreign wars now living in Pennsylvania are extended equivalent benefits.
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Sharif Street
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month
This bill would designate June 2023 as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month in Pennsylvania. PTSD is especially problematic for our brave armed forces members, and it is estimated that between 10 and 30 percent of service members will develop PTSD within a year of leaving combat, while others may not develop symptoms until years later.
Prime Sponsors: Sens. Katie Muth & Tracy Pennycuick
Additional Resources
American Legion – Department of Pennsylvania
AMVETS – Department of Pennsylvania
Honoring Our Veterans Special Fund Registration Plate
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the U.S.
Military Officers Association of America
National Guard Association of the U.S.