In the wake of the Clairton Coke Works fire, the state Senate and House Democratic Policy committees will hold a joint public hearing on ways to improve air quality, community notification procedures and emergency response.
The hearing is scheduled for noon on Thursday, February 7 at the Clairton Municipal Building, 551 Ravensburg Blvd, Clairton, Pa 15025.
The hearing is being held in Clairton at the request of state Senator Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny/Westmoreland) and Representative Austin Davis (D-Allegheny). It was prompted by a December 24 fire at the Clairton Coke Works that resulted in emissions of high levels of sulfur dioxide and damage to the facility’s gas processing system.
“We need to see to it that air quality standards are properly monitored, and that local emergency response and community notification procedures are accurate and timely,” Brewster said. “To accomplish this goal, we must bring together officials from U.S. Steel, the Allegheny County Department of Health, local governments and emergency responders to find workable solutions. I am committed to doing my part at the state level to meet this challenge.”
Davis added, “Improving the air quality in our communities is my top priority. I look forward to the testimony of all stakeholders. As we look to improve air quality it’s imperative that we look for effective ways to do so.”
La audiencia estará presidida conjuntamente por la senadora estatal Lisa Boscola (demócrata de Northampton/Lehigh) y el diputado estatal Mike Sturla (demócrata de Lancaster).
“Being raised in the shadow of the Bethlehem Steel plant, I am well aware of the seriousness of air quality issues and how community’s such as Clairton must balance an economic reliance on good industrial jobs against health and environmental issues,” Boscola said.
Sturla added, “I thank Representative Davis for bringing this important issue to the House Democratic Policy Committee’s attention. This joint public hearing will ensure all perspectives are heard as the legislature looks for effective ways to improve air quality.”
La audiencia sigue a una reunión pública celebrada el 22 de enero en Clairton. Brewster, Davis y el líder demócrata del Senado Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) y Rep. Bill Kortz (D-Allegheny) y Austin Davis (D-Allegheny) también fueron actualizados el 25 de enero por funcionarios del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Allegheny.
Expected testifiers include:
Panel de U.S. Steel Corporation:
- Chris Masciantonio, Director de Asuntos Gubernamentales y Política Pública
- Mike Rhoades, Director de Planta, Clairton Coke Works
- Tishie Woodwell, Directora General de Medio Ambiente
- Kurt Barshick, Director General, Mon Valley Works
Panel del Departamento de Salud del condado de Allegheny:
- Dra. Karen Hacker, Directora
- Jim Kelly, Subdirector de Salud Medioambiental
- Michael Parker, Abogado
- Dra. LuAnn Brink, Epidemióloga Jefe
Panel de sindicatos de la zona:
- Don Furko, Presidente, United Steel Workers Local 1557
- Jeff Nobers, Director Ejecutivo, Builders Guild of Western Pennsylvania
Panel de defensores de la salud y el medio ambiente:
- Dra. Deborah Gentile, Médica, Alianza Pediátrica
- Rachel Filippini, Directora Ejecutiva, Grupo contra el smog y la contaminación
- Matt Mehalik, Director Ejecutivo, Proyecto Breathe
The hearing is open to the public and media coverage is welcome.