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SB 341, PN 2473 (Greenleaf) – This bill amends Title 3 (Agriculture) by adding a Subchapter 41 to provide for the authorization of an automotive fuel testing and disclosure program.  The Senate concurred in House amendments to the bill as further amended by the Senate by a vote of 49-0.

SB 1115, PN 2474 (Browne) – Senate Bill 1115 amends the Public School Code to establish a new equitable formula to distribute special education funding and an accountability system to ensure effective investment of resources, and establishes a special education funding commission.  The Senate concurred in House amendments to the bill as further amended by the Senate by a vote of 33-16.

SB 623, PN 2454 (Tomlinson) – This legislation assists veteran-owned businesses in procurement contracts with Commonwealth agencies.  The Senate concurred in amendments placed by the House by a vote of 49-0.

SB 1147, PN 2453 (Argall) – This bill amends the Vehicle Code as it pertains to annual permits, and further provides for commercial driver employer responsibilities, for requirements for commercial driver’s license, for rules of the road, and for violations of the uniformity clause.  The Senate concurred in amendments placed by the House by a vote of 49-0.

HB 140, PN 4213 (DiGirolamo) – The bill establishes the Methadone Death and Incident Review Act which will create an Incident Review Team within the Commonwealth department charged with oversight of drug and alcohol programs, currently it is the Department of Health, to conduct reviews for all deaths where methadone was either a primary or secondary cause of death.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

HB 1616, PN 3330 (Denlinger) – Amends the Associations Code, Title 15 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, authorizing the creation of benefit corporations to provide for the general public benefit and to possibly provide for specific public benefits.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

HB 1682, PN 4185 (Taylor) – This legislation would add Chapter 21 to Title 68 (Real and Personal Property) to provide for the establishment of land banks to manage vacant, abandoned and tax-delinquent properties.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

HB 1767, PN 3481 (Freeman) – This legislation amends the Manufactured Home Community Rights Act to provide for protocol in the event of abandonment of a home, and for the sale or lease of a manufactured home community.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

HB 1813, PN 4149 (Tobash) – This bill amends the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (Act 173 of 1992) to provide for bonding and reclamation financial guarantees for surface mining operations.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

HB 1830, PN 4214 (Bear) – This bill amends Title 75, Vehicles, to add a new Special Registration Plate for the United States Merchant Marines and a special registration plate for United States military airborne units.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

HB 1857, PN 4215 (Simmons) – This bill amends The Home Rule Charter and Optional Plans Law within Title 53 (Municipalities), to further provide for indebtedness and borrowing, and in consolidated county assessment, to further provide for exemptions from taxation, and make technical changes to the appeals process.  Senator Williams offered Amendment A13862, providing for tax rates relating to cities and counties of the first class.  The amendment was adopted by a vote of 45-4 and the bill went over as amended.

HB 2043, PN 4218 (Hahn) – The bill amends Title 53 (Municipalities), Section 2164 to permit the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission to provide waivers to certain requirement for police basic training to federal law enforcement officers and military police.  A vote of 49-0 was recorde.

HB 2368, PN 4217 (Payne) – Amends the Banking Code to upgrade and modernize antiquated sections of the 1965 law, inserts mandatory Dodd-Frank lending limits language that requires states to consider credit exposure to derivatives transactions, removes the cap on the number of individuals that can be beneficiaries of a deposit account, and increases state-chartered banks’ ability to invest in branches based on 100 % of capital assets.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

HB 2460, PN 4220 (Bloom) – This bill designates a portion of State Route 233 in Cumberland County, a bridge in Adams County, a section of State Route 2038 in Montgomery County, and a bridge in Armstrong County.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

The Senate approved the following executive nominations by a vote of 49-0:

Barbara Butcher, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission

Vincent DiCenzo, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission

The Honorable Robert Fean, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission

Charles Horvat, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission

Roger Maclean, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission

Stephen Margeson, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission

Todd Naylor, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission

Keith Sadler, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission

Sonia Stopperich, Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission