Senate Bill 330 PN 980 (Scarnati): This legislation requires that a school board adopt a resolution to authorize the collection and payment of school real property taxes from small business owners in installments. The bill was approved unanimously.
Senate Bill 612 PN 1188 (Folmer): Amends the Act of March 10, 1949 (P.L. 30, No. 10), known as the Public School Code of 1949 for the suspension of teachers due to economic reasons. Sen. Piccola offered Amendment A02144, which would allow for suspension of a teacher for consecutive unsatisfactory performance ratings; deliver a written report of its findings including recommendations for changes, and others. The amendment was adopted (49-1) and the bill went over as amended.
Senate Bill 791 PN 821(Earll): Repeals section 2502.49 (relating to Accountability to Commonwealth Taxpayers) of the Public School Code of 1949. This section applied to the 2008-2009 basic education funding increases. The bill was approved unanimously.
Senate Bill 857 PN 882(Smucker): Amends section 1003 (relating to Eligibility) of Article X (relating to district and assistant superintendents) of the Act of March 10, 1949 (P.L. 30, No. 10), known as the Public School Code of 1949. The bill was approved 48-2.
Senate Bill 858 PN 977(Waugh): Amends section 1003 (relating to Eligibility) of Article X (relating to district and assistant superintendents) of the Act of March 10, 1949 (P.L. 30, No. 10), known as the Public School Code of 1949. The bill was approved 35-15.
Senate Bill 872 PN 956(Brubaker): Removes the requirement for school entities seeking grants under the Department of Education’s Concurrent Enrollment (a/k/a Dual Enrollment) program to have a concurrent enrollment committee. Sen. Wozniak offered Amendment A02122, which would insert a school district efficiency and consolidation section. It would consolidate school districts in Pennsylvania. The amendment failed 13-37. Sen. Wozniak offered Amendment A02084, which would allow for 1 county wide, superintendents, financial accounting, vendors, etc. It would allow for schools to stay as they are. The amendment failed 18-32. The bill was approved unanimously.
Senate Bill 1006 PN 1120(Vogel): The legislation adds to Schedule I Salvinorin A and Divinorin A which are the chemical compositions for Salvia Divinorum, which is also added to the list. The chemical compounds for synthetic marijuana and synthetic cocaine and heroin (also known as concentrated bath salts) are added as well. The bill was approved unanimously.