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Law & Justice 2019-2020

The Senate Law and Justice Committee met on Monday, October 19, 2020 and voted PLCB Chairman Tim Holden out of committee unanimously.

The Senate Law and Justice Committee met on Monday, October 5, 2020 to vote on two bills.

HB 763 (O’Neal) – Amends the Liquor Code to allow club licensees to sell up to 192 ounces of beer to go for off premise consumption.

  • A07551 was offered to the bill and was adopted unanimously. The amendment provides for exemptions to the interlocking license prohibitions of the Liquor Code. Specifically it allows employees of retail liquor license holders that are not involved in operating the licensed facility to be exempt from the prohibition on being an owner of a limited winery or a brewery. The amendment was adopted unanimously.
  • The bill as amended passed the committee 9 to 2 with Senators Killion and Scarnati casting the no votes.

HB 1617 (Staats) – Amends the Liquor Code (P.L. 90, No 21) to allow for a hotel license to be converted into a restaurant license, except in cities of the first class.

  • The bill passed unanimously

The Senate Law and Justice Committee met on Monday, November 18, 2019, and took action as follows:

Aprobado en su forma enmendada:

HB 1542 (Saylor) The bill amends the Liquor Code by adding days for holders of special occasion permits and also provides for wine and spirits auction permits. The bill was reported out unanimously.

The Senate Law and Justice Committee met on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, and took action as follows:

Reportado como comprometido:

HB 131 (Jozwiak) The bill amends the Liquor Code to change the definition of Hard Cider to conform to the federal definition. The bill was reported out unanimously.

HB 1524 (Rader) The bill amends the Liquor Code to allow for the transfer of R licenses into future “mix use town centers”.

Aprobado en su forma enmendada:

SB 61 (J. Ward) The bill amends the Liquor Code to allow Wine & Spirits Auction Permits to include cancer fighting nonprofits.

HB 423 (Topper) The bill amends the Liquor Code to allow voters in dry municipalities to opt in or out of provisions in Act 39 that allowed brewpubs and distilleries to operate within them.

HB 947 (Rader) The bill amends the Liquor Code to allow for the transfer of R licenses into future “mix use town centers”.

The Committee also considered the recommendation of Mary Isenhour to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. The nomination was favorably reported with a unanimous vote.

The Senate Law and Justice Committee met on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, and took action as follows:

Reportado como comprometido:

SR 105 (Stefano) A resolution to study the complement of the Pennsylvania State Police. The resolution was reported out unanimously.

The Committee also considered the recommendation of Lt. Col. Robert Evanchick as Commission of the Pennsylvania State Police. The nomination was favorably reported with a unanimous vote.