Community, Economic & Recreational Development 2015-2016
The Senate Community, Economic & Recreational Development Committee met on Wednesday, October 19, 2016, and took action as follows:
Reported Out as Amended:
HB 1887 (Ortitay): This bill amends Title 4 (Amusements) to provide for the compulsive and problem gaming program through the Department of Drug and Alcohol (DDAP). The bill was reported as committed unanimously.
The Senate Community, Economic & Recreational Development Committee met on Monday, June 27, 2016, and took action as follows:
Reported Out as Amended:
SB 1324 (Williams): This bill amends Title 4 (Amusements) to provide for consumer protection for participants of fantasy sports and grants the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board authority over fantasy sports regulations in Pennsylvania. Senator Reschenthaler offered Amendment A09106, which will raise the 5% tax placed on licensed operators quarterly adjusted revenues to 18%, provide for a single toll-free telephone number for compulsive and problem gamblers and make other technical changes to the bill. The amendment was approved unanimously and the bill as amended was reported 13-1.
The Senate Community, Economic & Recreational Development Committee met on Thursday, June 23, 2016, and took action as follows:
Como comprometido:
HB 1887 (Ortitay): This bill amends Title 4 (Amusements) to provide for the compulsive and problem gambling program through the Department of Drug and Alcohol (DDAP). The bill was reported as committed unanimously.