Local Government 2023-2024
The Senate Local Government Committee met on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 and reported out the following bills:
- SB 1131 (Comitta) – Amends Title 8 (Boroughs) to streamline the process for filling vacancies in borough councils.
- Amendment A05603 (Brown) – Prohibits a vacancy board chair from voting for themselves to fill any vacancy.
- SB 1289 (Kearney) – Amends the Second Class Township Code to streamline the process for filling vacancies in certain township supervisors.
- HB 2160 (Sappey) – Amends the First Class Township Code to streamline the process for filling vacancies in certain township commissioners.
- HB 2265 (Donahue) – Amends Title 8 (Boroughs) to raise the compensation limits of borough council members and mayors.
- HB 2288 (Marshall) – Amends the Second Class Township Code to raise the compensation limits of township supervisors.
The Senate Local Government Committee met on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
HB 1730 (Brennan) – Amends the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act to exempt municipalities that own cemeteries from registering with the Real Estate Commission and associated fees.
The Senate Local Government Committee met on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 and reported out the following bills unanimously:
SB 1132 (BROWN) – Amends the First Class Township Code to allow townships to appropriate more than 50% of the authorized half mill property tax for EMS towards personnel, by resolution.
SB 1133 (BROWN) – Amends the Second Class Township Code to allow townships to appropriate more than 50% of the authorized half mill property tax for EMS towards personnel, by resolution.
SB 1134 (BROWN) – Amends the Borough Code to allow boroughs to appropriate more than 50% of the authorized half mill property tax for EMS towards personnel, by resolution.
HB 1477 (SMITH-WADE-EL) – Local Government Commission bill amending the Municipalities Planning Code to authorize digital and electronic submissions of land use ordinances and other MPC-related documents.
The Senate Local Government Committee met on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 and reported out the following bill as amended:
SB 225 (Dush) – Amends the Fiscal Code to increase payment from DCNR and the Game Commission or Fish and Boat Commission to counties, school districts and townships for certain state-owned lands, in lieu of taxes.
- Amendment A01092 (Dush) – technical amendment correcting dates.
SB 740 (Regan) – Amends the Second Class Township Code to allow for increased compensation of township auditors
SB 765 (Comitta) – Amends Title 8 to make several changes to the Borough Code in line with recent updates to the First Class Township Code. This is a Local Government Commission bill.
SB 774 (Hutchinson) – Amends Title 11 to allow a third class city to appoint a partnership, limited partnership, association or professional corporation as the city administrator. This is a Local Government Commission bill.
SB 775 (Hutchinson) – Amends Title 53 to provide for emergency meeting powers and succession of local officers during an emergency. This is a Local Government Commission bill.
SB 784 (Kearney) – Amends Title 53 to provide an alternative process for the formation of a government study commission to consider home rule for municipalities currently in the Act 47 recovery program. This is a Local Government Commission bill.
All votes were unanimous.
The Senate Local Government Committee met on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 and reported out the following bill as amended:
SB 749 (DUSH) – Makes two specific changes to the Second Class Township Code in a manner consistent with recent revisions to the First Class Township Code as comprehensively updated by Act 96 of 2020.
SB 753 (KEARNEY) – Makes various technical changes and clarifications to the Borough Code. The legislation also provides for the reduction of council membership from 7 to 5 or 3 members regardless of borough population, and conversely increase council size, repeals current provisions in the Borough Code regulating the accumulation and collection of garbage and other refuse materials and creates a new chapter 25B “Solid Waste Collection and Disposition.”
SB 754 (BROWN) – This bill amends Act 247 of 1968, the Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), to specifically provide authorization for digital submissions and electronic transmittals of a proposed comprehensive plan or amendment, a proposed land use ordinance or amendment, or an adopted comprehensive plan, land use ordinance or amendment for review, comments, or recommendations.
The Senate Local Government Committee met on March 6 2023, and reported out the following bill as amended.
- SB 143 – YAW – Prohibits municipalities from restricting or prohibiting the connection of utility service to a consumer based on source of energy. Formerly SB 275 from last session, which passed the senate 35-15 and was vetoed by Governor Wolf. The bill as amended was adopt 8-3, with Senators Kearney, Comitta, and Fontana voting no.
- A00140 – BROWN – This amendment expands the preemption of policies that limit or restrict utility connections (based on their source of energy) to not just individual consumers, but to any entity. The amendment was adopted 9-2, with Senators Kearney and Comitta voting no.

Senator Tim Kearney
Committee Chair