Post Session Report: March 9, 2011

SB 71, PN 56:  This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) to prohibit the simulcasting of greyhound racing within the Commonwealth.  A vote of 47-0 was recorded. SB 242, PN 209:  The legislation designates the bridge over Barclay Run in the Borough of Somerset as...

Post Session Report: March 7, 2011

SB 159 PN 440 (Robbins): An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children; providing for the form and enforcement of the compact; imposing additional powers and duties on the Governor,...

Post Session Report: March 2, 2011

SB 199, PN 170 – The bill designates a section of Interstate 78 in Berks County as the CMSgt. Richard L. Etchberger Memorial Highway.  A vote of 45-0 was recorded.  SB 265, PN 242 – This bill amends the “Coal and Gas Resource Coordination Act” (Act 214 of 1984) to add...

Post Session Report: February 28, 2011

SB 110, PN 174 – This bill amends Title 74, Transportation, as it pertains to public logs of flights on State owned or operated aircraft. Senator Smucker offered amendment A0709 which was technical in nature.  The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over...

Post Session Report: February 14, 2011

Executive Nominations The Senate approved the following nomination by a vote of 46-0: Morgan K. O’Brien, Commonwealth Trustee of the University of Pittsburgh