Community, Economic & Recreational Development 2017-2018
The Senate Economic and Recreational Development Committee met on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, and took action as follows:
As Amended:
SB 234 (Blake): This bill creates the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE) in Pennsylvania. The state program authorizes local governments to spur economic development by making it possible for commercial and industrial property owners to obtain low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation improvements. Senator Scavello offered Amendment A04426, which makes technical amendments, amends definitions, ensures local government capacity and places certain stipulations on project completions. The amendment and bill were unanimously adopted.
The Senate Economic and Recreational Development Committee met on Wednesday, May 29, 2017, and took action as follows:
As Committed:
HB 782 (Nesbit): This bill amends Title 4 (Amusements) to provide for nongaming service provider (NSP) notification to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (PGCB/the Board). The bill was unanimously adopted.
The Senate Economic and Recreational Development Committee met on Tuesday, May 23, 2017, and took action as follows:
As Amended:
HB 271 (Ortitay): This bill amends to Title 4 (Amusements) to authorize fantasy contests, interactive gaming, multi-use computing device gaming, iLottery, and technical edits to the Gaming Act. Senator Scavello offered Amendment A01435 which removed the previous language within the bill and replaced the content with the provisions mentioned above. The amendment was adopted 12-2 and the bill was approved as amended, 11-3.
The Senate Economic and Recreational Development Committee met on Wednesday, April 26, 2017, and took action as follows:
As Amended:
HB 151 (Cutler): This bill standardizes language among several programs in Title 12 (Commerce and Trade), creates the Entertainment Economic Enhancement Program and adds the definition of “Agent.” Senator Scavello offered amendment A00807 which provides for the creation of the Entertainment Economic Enhancement Program within Title 12. The amendment and bill were approved, unanimously.
The Senate Economic and Recreational Development Committee met on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, and took action as follows:
As Committed:
HB 271 (Ortitay): This bill amends Title 4 (Amusements) to provide for gaming within airports on multi-use computing devices, for programs under the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) and to require DDAP to maintain a single problem gambling toll-free telephone number for all casino to use. The bill was reported as committed, 13-1.
Senator Larry Farnese
Committee Chair