State Government 2013-2014
The Senate State Government Committee met on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 to consider the following:
HB 2481, PN 4149 (Mentzer) – This bill creates the Supplemental Security Income State Supplement Payments for Out-of-State Payors Act. The Act would allow the Treasury Department to process Supplemental Security Income State Supplement Payments for out-of-state payors. The bill appropriates $4.5 million so that the Department can carry out activities under the Act. Rep. Mentzer was present and stated that the Commonwealth could stand to make around $10 million from contracting with a neighboring state to process payment checks, a function the federal government charges more to do. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 to consider the following:
HB 359, PN 2967 (Reed) – Amends the Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act by requiring that a registration statement must be refiled annually by the 15th day of the fifth month following the close of its fiscal year in which the charitable organization was engaged in solicitation activities. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
HB 2128, PN 3247 (Helm) – An Act providing for the annual designation and holiday observance of the third Saturday in June as “Juneteenth National Freedom Day” in this Commonwealth. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
HB 2310, PN 3641 (Sooney) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and the Governor, to grant and convey several pieces of property to Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society in Erie County. Amendment A09747 was offered, which includes additional land conveyances. The bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
The Senate State Government Committee met on Friday, June 27, 2014 to consider the following:
HB 1236, PN 1567 (Krieger) – This bill amends Title 62 (Procurement) to limit the ability of state agencies to enter into contingency fee contracts for legal services, and provides for public disclosure of contingency fee contracts. Senator Smucker offered amendment A08522, which guts the bill and replaces it with language that puts a 25% cap on compensation to a legal entity. Senator McIlhinney offered amendment A08562, which exempts SERS and PSERS from the requirements. Both amendments were approved by a vote of 11-0. The bill was reported as amended by a vote of 8-3.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Thursday, June 26, 2014 to consider the following:
SB 1034, PN 1346 (Eichelberger) – This bill amends the Public Employe Relations Act to prohibit public employers and unions from including the deduction of union dues as a requirement in collective bargaining agreements. Senator Smucker offered amendment A08375, which guts the bill and replaces it with language allowing for collection of membership dues as long as the money is not used on political action committees. Senator Smith noted that some advocacy groups that money may still go to (i.e. through annualy charity donations) already use funds to hire lobbyists to influence the political process, and that this amendment simply picks winners and losers. The amendment was agreed to by a party line vote of 7-4. The bill was reported as amended by a vote of 7-4.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 to consider the following:
SB 444, PN 983 (Pileggi) – This bill amends the Right-to-Know Law, making clarifications and further providing for definitions, access, limits to requests, exceptions, and commercial fees. Senator Smith offered amendment A07760 on behalf of Senator Blake. The amendment provides for enhanced disclosure for the Commonwealth’s four state-related universities. The amendment was approved by unanimous vote. Senator Pileggi offered amendment A07672, which makes a number of technical and clarification changes to the bill. The amendment was approved by unanimous vote. The bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 to consider the following:
SB 369, PN 292 (Folmer) – The bill amends Title 62 (Procurement), providing for public access to procurement records, prohibiting certain individuals from evaluating competitive sealed proposals, and requiring certain sole source procurements to be signed by the head of an agency. The bill was reported as committed.
SB 1240, PN 1743 (Yudichak) – This bill creates the Pennsylvania State University Board of Trustees Reorganization Act to make changes to the board’s composition, including the reduction of both voting and nonvoting members. Senator Corman offered amendment A06577, which removes language stating that the General Assembly has exclusive authority to determine the composition of the board. The amendment was adopted and the bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
HB 1989, PN 3629 (Hanna) – This bill designates the Piper J-3 Cub as the official airplane of the Commonwealth and the Pennsylvania Long Rifle as the official firearm of the Commonwealth. The bill was reported as committed.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, June 03, 2014 to consider the following:
SB 324, PN 234 (Vogel) – A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth to reduce the size of the General Assembly. Two amendments were offered. The first, amendment A07248, guts the language in the bill and focuses on the size of the Senate only. Under the new language, the Senate would be reduced from 50 to 45 members. This amendment was approved unanimously. Senator Scarnati proceeded to offer amendment A07286, which eliminates the office of Lt. Governor, and reduces the size of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court as well as the Superior Court. This amendment was approved by a vote of 10-1. The bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
SB 602, PN 572 (Wozniak) – This bill designates and adopts the Piper J-3 Cub as the official airplane of the Commonwealth. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
HB 1602, PN 2871 (Corbin) – This bill authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions imposed on park land owned by the Borough of Downingtown in Chester County, with conditions. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
HB 1234, PN 1901 (S. Smith) – A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth to reduce the size of the House (from 203 members to 153 members). The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 to consider the following:
Senate Bill 1001, PN 1224 (Folmer) – This bill amends the Notary Public Law to eliminate the requirement that applicants for Notary Public have their application endorsed by their state Senator. The bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
Senate Bill 1253, PN 1772 (Robbins) -This bill amends Title 37 (Historical and Museums), referred to as the “History Code,” to modernize and update the Code by further providing for certain power and duties of the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission (PHMC), and by providing for public disclosure of older public records in the State Archives. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
House Bill 201, PN 1433 (Dunbar)This bill amends Title 62 (Procurement) to limit certain individuals from participating in the evaluation of proposals submitted as part of a competitive sealed bid process, and to restrict the ability of an individual, organization or businesses to participate in Commonwealth contracting if it engages in certain investment activities with the energy sector of Iran (“Iran Free Procurement”). The bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
House Bill 1271, PN 2774 (Readshaw) – This bill authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions imposed on 3.68 acres of land located in the Borough of Brentwood, Allegheny County. A portion of land adjacent to this would remain under Project 70 restrictions.
In return, Project 70 restrictions would be imposed on 8.5 acres of land owned by the Borough. A restriction would be included in the deed of conveyance stating that the land is to be used for park, recreation, and conservation purposes. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
House Bill 1672, PN 2428 (R. Miller) – This bill creates the State Agency Green Technology Implementation Act to identify new ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency by testing and procuring new, energy efficient technologies within Commonwealth agencies. The Act directs the Department of General Services (DGS) to enact criteria for the program. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
House Bill 1873, PN 2741 (Benninghoff) -This bill authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions imposed on 3.59 acres of land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. The land is located in Benner Township, Centre County. Proceeds from the sale of the property is to be deposited in a restricted account within the Fish Fund and used for the acquisition of other lands as authorized under the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
House Bill 1945, PN 2939 (Helm) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey land located in Dauphin County through a competitive bidding process. The property stretches between the City of Harrisburg and Susquehanna Township and was formerly known as the Harrisburg State Hospital and Harrisburg State Hospital Farm. The property will be put out to bid and includes any buildings, structures or improvements. The bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
House Bill 744, PN 846 (Cutler) -This bill amends Title 65 (Public Officers) to increase fines and penalties for those who violate the Lobbyist Disclosure Law. It also provides for the issuance of receipts for registrants that file required documents electronically with the Department of State. An amendment to the bill passed on a party line vote of 7-4. Senator Smucker’s amendment added requirements for electronic filing and reduced penalties in the bill prompting some concerns by members, including Democratic Chairman Smith. Ultimately, the bill was reported as amended by unanimous vote.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 to consider the following:
SB 885, PN 984 (Vulakovich) – This bill designates the River City Brass Band as the official brass band of Pennsylvania. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SB 1096, PN 1410 (White) – This bill amends Title 26 (Eminent Domain) to clarify and further limit property reimbursement rates. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SB 1191, PN 1616 (Alloway) – This bill amends the Public Employe Relations Act to increase maximum fines under the Act with regard to political contributions. The bill was reported as committed (9-1).
HB 1247, PN 1589 (Stern) – This bill authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions imposed on Commonwealth land located in Woodbury Township, Blair County in return for the imposition of Project 70 restrictions on another parcel of land being conveyed to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SR 207, PN 1478 (Folmer) – This resolution directs the Joint State Government Commission to study the costs and efficiencies of the requirements under the Commonwealth’s public construction laws. Amendment A04356 was offered, which made technical changes to the resolution and changed the due date of the report. The amendment was adopted by a unanimous vote. Senator Smith offered amendment A04832, which would include an analysis of workplace safety conditions in the report. The amendment failed on a party line vote of 4-6. The resolution was reported as amended on a party line vote of 6-4.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 to consider the following:
SB 430, PN 360 (Argall) – This bill directs the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and the Governor, to convey to 6.2 acres of land to the Borough of Ashland; the conveyance includes the Museum of Anthracite Mining. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SB 684, PN 674 (Wozniak) – This bill amends Act 250 of 1923; legislation that allows the Department of Forestry to lease state forest lands for dams, reservoirs, canals, and pipelines for the generation and transmission of electric energy. The bill would add wind, solar, and other renewable energy projects to the list of eligible projects for leasing and reassigns authorization powers to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SB 813, PN 852 (Vance) – This legislation amends Title 62 (Procurement) to create the Roofing Projects Act. Under the Act, local governments would be required to competitively bid roofing projects exceeding $10,000. The bill was reported as committed on a 7-4 party line vote.
HB 1478, PN 1930 (Bloom) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services to convey four different properties located throughout the Commonwealth. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
HB 1482, PN 2002 (Moul) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services to convey five different properties located throughout the Commonwealth, including several armories and a PennDOT maintenance facility. Senator Smucker offered amendment A02629, which authorizes the conveyance of two additional tracts of land. The amendment was adopted and the bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 to consider the following:
SB 862, PN 975 (Dinniman) – This bill amends the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act to permit therapy dogs on all forms of public transportation. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SB 899, PN 1016 (Baker) – This bill amends Title 65 (Public Officers) to require political party officers to file statements of financial interests with State Ethics Commission, require state officials and members of the General Assembly to file their statements electronically, and require statements to be posted on the internet. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SB 963, PN 1107 (Folmer) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Governor, to dedicate and convey a right-of-way for a roadway to East Hanover Township, Lebanon County. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SB 964, PN 1108 (Folmer) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Governor, to convey to First Capital Equities, Inc., a portion of land at Fort Indiantown Gap in Lebanon County. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
SB 976, PN 1113 (Smith) – This bill amends Title 25 (Elections) to allow military and overseas voters to return their absentee ballot electronically. Senator Smith offered amendment A02080 which stipulates that the electronic transmission system will be operational by January 1, 2015. The amendment passed (unanimous) and the bill was reported as amended (unanimous).
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 to consider the following:
SB 601, PN 610 (Scarnati) – This bill amends Title 44 (Law and Justice) to create the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act. It also amends Title 45 (Legal Notices) to make changes to the Joint Committee on Documents and further provide for the publishing, handling, pricing and distribution of official Commonwealth documents. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
HB 1112, PN 1426 (McGinnis) – This bill is an omnibus land conveyance bill, authorizing the Department of General Services (DGS), with the approval of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Governor, to convey various state armories located throughout the Commonwealth. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
HB 1119, PN 1356 (Truitt) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Governor, to grant and convey to Uptown Entertainment Alliance the West Chester Armory in Chester County. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
The State Government Committee met on February 12, 2013 to consider the following bills:
SB 308, PN 217 (Scarnati) An Act amending Title 65 (Public Officers) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in lobbying disclosure, further providing for registration fees, fund established, system and regulations. Requiring the Department of State to post on its Lobbyist Disclosure website all lobbying registration and reporting documents it receives within seven days of the filing. The bill was reported as committed by unanimous vote.
SB 436, PN 377 (Smucker) An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, further providing for Voting Standards Development Board. The bill removes the sunset date for the voting standards previously adopted by the Voting Standards Development Board. The bill was reported as committed by unanimous vote.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday March 19th to consider the following:
SB 37, PN 6(Smucker)-This bill amends Title 25 (Elections) to provide for electronic voter registration. The bill was reported as committed on a vote of 11-0.
SB 120, PN 75(Pileggi)-This bill amends the Pennsylvania Election Code to further provide for reporting requirements related to primary and election expenses. Senator Smucker offered Amendment A00368 that lowers the threshold amount in the bill from $50,000 to $10,000. The amendment passed on a vote of 11-0 and the bill was reported as a amended on a vote of 11-0.
SB 614, PN 590 (McIlhinney)-This bill amends Title 25 (Public Officers) to require statewide and county political party officers to file statements of financial interest with the State Ethics Commission. The bill was reported as committed on a vote of 11-0.